Student Wellbeing

Welcome Back
Welcome back to everyone. We hope you had an enjoyable and restful holiday ahead of another busy term.
This term we will welcome Smile Squad to Charlton College. This is a fantastic opportunity for all families to access free dental services. Below is the link to a QR code for families to fill in a consent form for their child/ren to access this service. Paper copies are also available at the front office. If you would like any assistance in completing the consent form, please don’t hesitate to contact Jess or Tash.
We have also had news that the Smile Squad are running ahead of schedule. They will commence their examinations next Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of July. It would be fantastic to have as many consent forms completed prior to this date as possible.
Smile Squad
The Smile Squad team from RFDS are coming to our school in August and September.
Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.
This means ALL students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.
How to access free dental care
We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a
parent or guardian.
Sign up to Smile Squad at:
OR use the below QR code
Please complete and submit the consent to the office as soon as possible. Paper copies of the consent form have been sent home with all primary students. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one for your secondary student.
The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages, and the paper form is currently available in 13 languages.
Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?
No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.
Appointments can be arranged before or after school should this be more convenient.
Please keep your phone handy during the Smile Squad visit should the Team need to contact you regarding your child during their visit.
If you would like any further information please contact Jess McGurk at the College.
ASIST Training
Lifeline Loddon Mallee are delivering a suicide prevention program, 'Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training' (ASIST). This is a two-day workshop, open to anyone aged 16+, that teaches participants to carry out life-saving interventions for people at risk of suicide. The first will be in Charlton and details can be found below:
Date: Wednesday 31st July 2024 & Thursday 1st August 2024
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Charlton Park Community Bank Complex
Sign up here