
Jamie Daff

Assembly Monday

Term 3 kicked off with a whole school assembly!
Term 3 kicked off with a whole school assembly!


Twelve students had attended every class for the second half of Term 2. The lucky attendee for  the end of Term 2 was Maggie. 

Behaviour Matrix 

Since the middle of last term students have been acknowledged for 174 positive behaviours. 36 for the value of resilience, 44 for the value of respect and 94 for the value of responsibility. The secondary winner was Clancy and the Primary winner was Daniella. 

The focus for this term is RESILIENCE and this week our focus is:

NAPLAN Results

NAPLAN Results have arrived this week, parents of students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will receive the results in the mail. 

Breakfast Club

Our first Breakfast Club for Term 3 was absolutely bustling this morning, with at least 15 students in there at any given time!  Breakfast Club is open in the canteen on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:30am with Danielle,  ensuring we can learn and play to our full potential with full tummies. Students have on offer fruit, toast, cereal (jaffles on Fridays) and milos.