Stars of the Week
Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience and Independence
Stars of the Week
Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience and Independence
Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values.
Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience, Independence
1G Gus
For the outstanding confidence you displayed during DLT this week. You worked so efficiently to create your Olympic Medal bar graph on Excel and confidently assisted your peers. What a superstar you are Gus!
3H Miles
For your quick thinking and confidence when working out multiplication and division connections.
3J Clementine
For your confident questioning in reading sessions, you are asking thoughtful questions, using different question words and producing work to a high standard. Fantastic job Clem!
3M Jessica
For the confidence she shows while participating in class discussions and the effort she puts into her work!
6H Joss
Confidently sharing his wonderful knowledge of Natural Disasters and Geography.
6R Seb H
For your enthusiastic contributions during class discussions. Keep it up!
Italian Celeste (2S)
For the way you always show enthusiasm in Italian class. Brava Celeste!
FM Isioma
For working independently to measure your foot in maths this week. You listened carefully to the teacher and followed all instructions. Well done!
FS Jack
You are working diligently and conscientiously completing all set tasks. Keep up your amazing work! Congratulations
2M Meagan
For your fantastic independence and focus when completing the Maths multiplication task. Keep up the great work Meagan!
2S Ruby
For your approach to literacy and the way you work hard to complete all learning tasks! Well done!
3O Anita
For the way you use questioning to clarify your understanding of concepts and skills taught.
4K Viaan
For the way that you worked independently on your procedure text, ensuring that you had included specific language and all the necessary steps. Awesome work!
4T Alexander P
You are a skilled listener, who can concentrate on the job at hand without distraction. This important skill will serve you well. Keep it up. You are a great example for others to aspire to.
5M Rocco
For making positive learning choices in the classroom during learning time to ensure you are engaged and working to the best of your ability. Great work Rocco, keep it up!
Music Hongjian (3M)
For the brilliant way you taught your class mime. Well done!
FD Isla
being a caring and considerate member of our class and school community. You have shown great care for our environment and work hard to keep our school yard clean!
1H Aanya
For turning around your attitude and showing me that you are ready to learn!! Go Aanya you superstar!!
Art Pippa (4C)
For the respect you show in the art room every week, you always try your best and enjoy trying new skills, you are a wonderful artist Pippa!
FH Stevie
For taking on a challenge when working with addition. You demonstrated great persistence. Well done Stevie!
1R Jack P
For working so hard this week and with improved independence. Your efforts in writing have been fabulous this week! Well done!
2N Henry L
For your amazing effort you are putting into your work. You have shown excellent persistence when completing class tasks. Well done!
2S Alex Mc
For the way you always work hard to complete work independently!
5L Ryan
For the way you are persisting in writing your historical biography. It is terrific the way you reflect and add further detail to your writing. Well done and keep it up Ryan!
5S Ben O-K
I am so impressed with the increased effort you are putting into all tasks. Keep up the super start work Ben!
6P Mia S
For the way you that you ask for help when you are not sure and then try and try again.
For the great way you persisted in our net and wall game lesson this week. Well done.
1L Grace
For the way that you have tackled the tricky aspects of DLT time. Well done on bouncing back and congratulations on being so successful!
4C The Whole Class
For coping well this week without your usual teacher! Miss Temple is proud of you!
4F The Whole Class
For coping well this week without Ms Fray - keep working towards your independence goals!
We focus on positive behaviours and good citizenship. Everyone has the right to feel safe at school. Our School Values are Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, and Respect.
It is up to all of us to bring our values to life and present them in a way that makes sense. Here are some examples.
Persistence - is not giving up, having more than one go at something, trying again when you get something wrong or just practicing to do your best.
Resilience - Resilient people often feel good about themselves. There is a difference between people who bounce back easily and those who get frustrated. If you can learn to bounce back you’ll do better at everything in life.
Confidence - Self-confidence is the belief in yourself and in your abilities. That you can do it. When you experience success, you feel good inside and you want to do better.
Independence – Our aim is to ensure that every student is able to develop into an adult capable of looking after themselves, to thrive on the challenges that life throws at us, to experiment sensibly with risks and develop your own ways of doing things successfully.
Respect - Is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.
Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values and set an example to our community . Behaviours that disrupt learning and teaching will not be tolerated.