Classroom Happenings

Foundation / Year 1
Our Foundation students recently celebrated a significant milestone – their 100th day of school! The excitement was palpable as the children eagerly dressed up as 100 year olds. The Foundation and Year One students' creativity was on full display with their costumes, as they arrived at school with grey wigs, glasses, and walking sticks, fully embracing the spirit of the occasion. It was a joy to see their enthusiasm and the effort they put into their outfits. The day was filled with a variety of activities centred around the number 100. From writing 100 words to writing the numbers to 100 and counting exercises. This celebration not only marked an important academic achievement but also fostered a sense of community and school spirit among our youngest learners. Here's to the next 100 days and beyond, as our Foundation and Year 1 students continue to grow, learn, and create wonderful memories!
The Olympic fever has taken over our Foundation and Year 1 students, each day, the young learners gather eagerly to discover and learn about the different sports showcased in the Olympics. We look at Australia’s medal tally daily, and students listen attentively, hoping for another gold, silver, or bronze to add to the count so that we can update our medal tally. The Foundation and Year 1 students are thoroughly enjoying this Olympic journey, discovering new sports, and celebrating Australia’s achievements on the world stage.
Year 2/3/4
Our class has had an amazing start to Term 3, and we’re excited to share some of the wonderful things we've been up to.
We kicked off the term with group challenges that focused on problem-solving and team-building skills. It was fantastic to see the students working together, sharing ideas and finding creative solutions.
In our literacy lessons, we dove into information text types. The students researched Australian Olympic Athletes and wrote personal letters of encouragement to their chosen athletes. Some students even spotted their Olympic heroes on TV and excitedly shared the news with the class!
In Maths, we've been exploring the world of fractions in fun and interactive ways. We've compiled some interesting results - check them out.
Year 5/6
In Year 5/6 Geography we have been learning about different countries around the world and what makes their biomes unique to them.
The continents of the Earth can have their spaces organised in many ways. Maps are great ways to segment the world into continents, countries, states and biomes. A biome is a community of plants and animals suited to a place because of its climate and natural features.
The most important part of a biome is its climate. How much rain it gets and the average temperature will determine what plants grow there. Plants are an important food source for animals so the types of plants will determine what animals live there. Polar bears can’t live in a desert and rainforests won’t grow in snow!!
Every part of the Earth is divided into biomes, even the oceans. Every continent has many different types of biomes but there are 5 main ones; Aquatic, Grasslands, Desert, Rainforest and Alpine.
A great idea for an activity at home would be for students to try to classify the biome that is around them, what vegetation is unique to their biome and which animals are unique to their biome!!