Kaye Gregory
Kaye Gregory
Next Tuesday is our Book Day. In our library classes this week many children have shared their ideas on what they are planning to wear on this day. Dressing up is meant to be fun and children are encouraged to use what they already have at home available to them. Refer to the attachment if you are still looking for an idea. It contains character suggestions that are easy to recreate with items found in the home. Alternatively, children can come dressed up as something magical.
If children dress up as a book character can they please bring the book or make a sign saying who they are and from what book. The book or sign can be carried as they parade to allow everyone to see who they are dressed up as.
There will be a Book Parade at 9am and parents are warmly welcomed to stay to watch the parade of characters and magical beings. After the parade children will rotate around a variety of activities that will be lead by our Year 5/6 students. In the afternoon we will be entertained by Perform Education's show "Maybe a Miracle". The children have viewed
a dance tutorial video in library this week to prepare them for the fun of the live performance!
I'm certainly looking forward to seeing all our book characters next Tuesday.
The Year 5/6 students were given the opportunity to create a Book Day poster. These have been placed around the school. Take a look at their creative posters.
Kaye Gregory
Teacher Librarian