Dates to Remember

Friday 2nd August
100 Days of Kindergarten
Monday 5th August
Staff Development Day
Monday 5th August
First Holy Communion Information Session
6pm @ St Martha's Parish
Tuesday 6th August
Athletics Championships
Sydney Olympic Park
Wednesday 7th August
Public Speaking
Holy Innocents Catholic Primary School
Friday 9th August
CWF Green and Gold
Wednesday 14th August
Year 3 Excursion
Life Cycles @ Symbio Wildlife Park
Thursday 15th August
Assumption Mass
11:40 - 12:40
Sunday 18th August
K-2 Family Mass
Monday 19th August
Book Week Parade
8:45 - 9:45am
Monday 26th August
Father's Day Stall
Wednesday 28th August
Father's Day Breakfast & Liturgy
Friday 27th September
Last Day of Term 3
Monday 14th October
Staff Development Day
Tuesday 15th October
First Day of Term 4