Parish News

Gift Card Scam Warning
It has come to our attention that a text message scam is targeting some of our parishioners by impersonating Father John and requesting gift cards. Please notify the parish office if you have been contacted. We encourage everyone to remain vigilant and not to respond directly to the message and do not click on any links in the message (which may contain viruses).
Phishing emails or text messages disguise themselves as legitimate messages, but are actually ploys to get you to reveal personal information—such as passwords, credit card numbers—or gift card codes. They may say that they need help, or ask a favour or that they’re in an emergency situation.
If you or a family member has experienced a scam, you should report the scam to your local police department. You can also report scams to the ACCC’s Scam Watch website. You can also report scams to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC).
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Important Notice: The Feast of the Assumption of Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated on Thursday 15th August at 7:30am, 11:40am (with the school community) and 6:00pm.
First Holy Communion Information Session
St Mary MacKillop Feast Day Celebration