
Four weeks into term and we've been very busy learning and having fun!
Through our Literacy and Inquiry lessons this term, we have been focusing on History. Using the picture story book "My Place" by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins, we have been learning about what life was like at different times in Australia's history. We completed a research grid to help us compare everyday parts of life, like families, food, school and jobs, at different times in Australia's history.
We also wrote our own versions of a page for "My Place" based on our experience of life in Australia today.
Of course, the Paris Olympics have also been a focus over the last week. As well as learning a little bit about the history of the Olympics, we have had some fun exploring the different Olympic sports and making our own Olympic torches.
In Maths, we have been learning different strategies for adding and subtracting. Playing maths games is a fun way to practise using these strategies.
We have also been learning about Saint John Vianney and Saint Mary MacKillop, whose feast days we are celebrating in the month of August.