Principal Post

Dear Families,
Thank you to our Foundation P class who led out Mass honouring St John Vianney so well last Friday.
Our Feast Day celebrations continued again on Monday with Kaboom leading our students through a variety of games and action packed sports. These were throughly enjoyed by all. (Please see our photo page)
On Monday afternoon our Seniors students presented a powerpoint about our Patron Saint!!
Potato Olympics
This Friday 9th August from 12 noon we will be holding the Potato Olympics, an SJV event to commemorate the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Students will be organised into house groups with students from other year levels to work as a team. Each student will need to have a potato that represents their "athlete". Their athletes will compete in a series of events, and the students will need to use their mathematical skills of measuring and data collection, to score points for their team.
Families are invited to attend our awards ceremony at 2:40pm in the assembly area (weather permitting).
On the day, children are encouraged to get into the team spirit by dressing in their house colours. This could include wearing their sports uniform, or they may decide to wear other items of clothing in their house colours.
We are looking forward to a fun day celebrating the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship.
Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross (Mary Mackillop)
Tomorrow is the Feast Day of Mary Mackillop whose Religious name was 'Mary of the Cross'. She is Australia's first Saint. During her life she demonstrated the value of Education establishing the first order of nuns - The Sisters of St Joseph. As a nun she began a school named St Josephs in Penolain South Australia. Her motto was 'never see a need without doing something about it'. Her life and her story is inspirational!
On Friday our Foundation KC class will host the whole school Mass honoring Mary Mackillop. Feel free to join our celebration.
Swimming lessons begin next week -
August 12th till August 23rd for Years 1-6.
Each day except Tuesdays.
Please complete the Operoo form that was sent out if you have not done so already even if your family will be away.
Swimming is compulsory. All students must participate unless there is a medical reason why they should not participate. Please pass on the Medical Certificate to the classroom teacher as soon as possible.
If students are unwell on a swimming day they should stay home. Please note If a child has an approved reason not to be swimming he/ she will still go with their class on the bus to the swimming venue and sit under the supervision of their class teacher.
Connors Run
St John Vianneys School is getting behind Connors Run to help fundraise for Paedatric Brain Cancer. There is an event on the morning of Sunday 15th September - a walk or fun run!
Join up and join in!! The more the merrier!
See the Connors Run page in this newsletter!
There is a 3KM run that starts at 10:30am plus longer walks or runs for those interested.
You can also donate without the walk/run!
See the Connors Run page in this newsletter for details and registration!
Bullying No Way: National week of action12 to 16 August 2024
The theme for 2024 is 'Everyone belongs'.
When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It's about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness.
Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We're encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.
Resilience Project Award
This week Tara won an Empathy Award or looking out for and helping others in the classroom, always considering their feelings.
The school community presented a Principal Appreciation Award to Mr Mullaly for being an enthusiastic, caring Principal who notices each student and teacher and helps them do their very best! ( Mrs Willmott- Deputy Principal)
NAIDOC Week Flag Competition
Good luck to all those students who entered out NAIDOC Week flag competition! We have been blown away by the standard of work and creativity! It is evident many of you have taken into consideration the significance of the symbolism used in our current three flags and reflected on a way to move towards a more harmonious future. Over the next few weeks, students will be invited to vote on their favourite designs from each level.
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