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Drive Smart Driver Academy
Department of Transport and Planning Update
Please see below for a project update regarding the Tram Road and Merlin Street intersection improvements in Doncaster:
We’re delivering safety and traffic flow improvements to the Tram Road and Merlin Street intersection in Doncaster.
We’ve completed power pole and necessary telecommunication service relocation works at the intersection of Tram Road and Merlin Street.
Intersection improvement works are expected to begin in mid-2024 and be completed by late-2024, with switch-on of traffic lights to follow. Please note, these dates are subject to change due to the contractor’s program of works.
For more information, please visit the VicRoads website at:
The Department of Education Victoria and East Doncaster Secondary College does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education and Training Victoria and East Doncaster Secondary College for accuracy or information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
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