Stars of the Week
Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience and Independence
Stars of the Week
Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience and Independence
Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values.
Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience, Independence
FD Evaan
Well done Evaan on showing confidence when putting your hand up to share ideas. Keep up the great work this term!
3M Athena
Forthe fantastic effort you are putting into proofreading your work, well done!
Art Emmy (FD)
For the outstanding weaving you did around your turtle loom, it was absolutely perfect Emmy, you are ARTmazing!
FM Zach
For trying your best with your writing this week. You have been sounding out your words and practising your finger spaces. Well done!
1G James
For the amazing independence you demonstrated in our summarising task this week. You successfully used the SWBST strategy to summarise the text Great and Small and the vocabulary you used was exceptional! Well done James!
1L Daphne
For your impressive efforts to step up and take on extra responsibilities and attempt new things. We love your 'Can Do' attitude.
2M Kyra
For your fantastic focus and independence when creating your portfolio cover. What a great job you did completing the your cover and then assisting others when they needed help. You are a star Kyra!
3O Lachlan
For making more of an effort to resist distractions from your friends when learning. Keep it up, LJ!
4F Christian B
For the independence you've shown completing learning tasks this week. Keep working towards your goal! Make brave mistakes!
4K Daniru
For the commitment you are demonstrating in your learning. Well done being an independent learner.
5L Adam
For your beautiful bookwork presentation! You presented your multiplication strategies in your grid book in a very clear and sequential way. Well done Adam!
5M Sanar
For being an independent worker and completing tasks to the best of your ability. Your contributions to class discussions have been much appreciated, keep up the hard work!
6H Collin
For always being organised and prepared. You always give your best effort.
Music Alex (5L)
For the amazing way you learnt your lines in the play and for your enthusiasm. Well done!
FH Manna
For always being a kind and caring member of FH. You have beautiful manners and always show respect. Well done Manna!
2N Amie
For your extraordinary respect for your peers and teachers. You always show kindness and empathy to others. Super helpful and respectful with everyone that you interact with.
3H Frankie
For the respectful way you carry out everything you do. The students and teachers in 3H can trust you. Thank you for being you.
4T Audrey
For always working hard to produce your best work. It's great seeing how much pride you put into everything you do!
6P Max
For always listening and being ready and prepared for working at your best.
6R Neil
For always showing respect to his peers and teachers and being inclusive of others.
FS Xavier
For being a persistent writer and always willing to have a go. Keep up the amazing work!
1R Chloe
For always working hard to produce your best work. The effort you are putting into your learning tasks this term is impressive and I'm so proud of you. Well done Chloe!
2S Phoebe
For always working hard to produce your best work. It's great seeing how much pride you put into everything you do!
3J Lillian
For persisting with your learning in maths this week when identifying arrays in division and multiplication activities, you showed great determination and persistence, awesome job Lillian!
Italian Marcus (3H)
For your incredible persistence in learning your Italian animal names
1H Marlon
Well done Marlon for working hard to be a good role model for other members of the class even when it is hard!
4C Sebastian & Hugh
For displaying positivity and perseverance in your learning tasks this week. Great focus and commitment on your explorer information report. Wonderful work!
5S Taha
For your wonderful resilience every time you receive feedback. You take on board all advice given and apply it to develop your skills further. Keep up the super star work Taha!
We focus on positive behaviours and good citizenship. Everyone has the right to feel safe at school. Our School Values are Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, and Respect.
It is up to all of us to bring our values to life and present them in a way that makes sense. Here are some examples.
Persistence - is not giving up, having more than one go at something, trying again when you get something wrong or just practicing to do your best.
Resilience - Resilient people often feel good about themselves. There is a difference between people who bounce back easily and those who get frustrated. If you can learn to bounce back you’ll do better at everything in life.
Confidence - Self-confidence is the belief in yourself and in your abilities. That you can do it. When you experience success, you feel good inside and you want to do better.
Independence – Our aim is to ensure that every student is able to develop into an adult capable of looking after themselves, to thrive on the challenges that life throws at us, to experiment sensibly with risks and develop your own ways of doing things successfully.
Respect - Is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.
Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values and set an example to our community . Behaviours that disrupt learning and teaching will not be tolerated.