Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2, families and carers,
Bastille Day Celebrations
We hope you having been staying warm and healthy during the past few frosty days. We are nearly through winter. The students had an amazing Bastille Day the other Friday. They looked fantastic in their French coloured outfits and enjoyed the fun French learning activities, French performance and perhaps a croissant.
Students have enjoyed been sharing everything they have been learning about Uluru in our Read to Learn unit. Students have shared how the Anangu people take care of Uluru, why Uluru is protected and some of the fun activities you can do there. To show all their learning students have been making creative posters, brochures and writing detailed answers about why Uluru is special.
Week 4 and 5 Vocabulary Words
These words can be found in our Term 3 Grade 2 text ‘Hazel Green’
In Numeracy, Grade 2 our focus is learning about capacity, volume and mass. Students are having fun with the hands-on learning activities. Students have been measuring the capacity of different shaped containers and putting them in order based on their capacity. Students have been exploring volume and how much space an object takes up, then measuring the volume of containers and block shapes. Students have been comparing the mass of objects using balanced scales by estimating, measuring and using the language of lighter, heavier or equal/same to discuss their findings. You’re welcome and encouraged to support their learning by involving the children in your cooking, shopping, gardening etc so they can practice exploring these concepts with you.
Friendly reminders:
- Please ensure you are continuing to support your child in getting to school by 8:45am, so that they are not missing any valuable learning time (and can reach their attendance reward goals!)
- Encourage your child to read every night and record it in their reading journal as part of our take home reading program.
- We thank you and appreciate that student families prepare and pack healthy sip and crunch, snack and lunch options to support your child’s focus while at school.
We appreciate all that you do so your child is prepared, ready and can chat with you about what they are learning. Thanks for everything you do. 😊