Grade 1 Community News

Hello Grade 1 Families,


We have been so busy in Term 3 with our learning. Our Grade 1 students have been exploring new topics and refining their skills across various subjects. Here is a look into what we have been getting up to in our Grade 1 community over the past fortnight.



In Reading, we have started unpacking our new topic of ancient Egypt! We have been exploring the ancient pyramids, camels, pharaohs and mummies. We are also able to show what continent Egypt is in and where it is on a map. Students have been given the choice of how they can show what they have learned. This has included writing, drawing, acting and recording themselves on an iPad. Some of Grade 1’s have writing postcards from Ancient Egypt! 


If you are interested in joining your child to dive deeper into learning about ancient Egypt, the National Gallery of Victoria currently has a Pharaoh exhibition open that celebrates ancient Egyptian art and culture. Tickets for this are available to purchase on the NGV website until the 6th of October.




In Writing, we have been creating spaces to share our knowledge of Ancient Egypt. Some of us have made posters, narrative stories and drawings. It has been such an amazing topic to learn and we are so excited to share it with you.  We are able to discuss why the River Nile was so important, what the Sphinx is, who a Pharaoh is and how mummies are made!



In Maths, after spending some time revising our learning around place value, we have started our journey into exploring shape. So far, we have shown our ability to identify 3D shapes through fun and engaging activities using 3D building blocks in the classroom.

 We are very proud of what our students have achieved while exploring 3D shapes and we are looking forward to exploring patterns in the next coming weeks.



Vocabulary / Morphology


In Vocabulary Grade 1, the children have been looking at the words exhausted, stubborn, sensible and eager. We are getting the words from the story ‘Mr Popper's Penguins.’ We have shown our learning about these words by using them in our writing and including them in a game of charades.



Friendly Reminders: 

  • Please ensure your child is bringing their reading satchel to school with their student journal, so we can celebrate your child’s reading milestones.
  • Please ensure your child is only bringing water to school. Students are allowed to bring cut up fruit in containers to eat during learning time.



Lunch orders are available for students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and may be ordered through the QR code: 




We thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning! 



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