Prep Community News

Hello, Prep Families!
What a fun-filled 2 weeks it has been for our lovely Prep children. On Bastille Day they enjoyed a vibrant French performance, where they sang along and danced to the lively music. Everyone had fun joining in with the experience. Additionally, our prep students marked a major milestone by celebrating their 100th day of school! The day was packed with engaging and enjoyable activities, reflecting the joy and progress they’ve made so far. It was a wonderful day showcasing the fantastic spirit of our young learners.
In Reading, the Preps have continued their learning of information texts. They have been looking into different topics such as transportation, the Olympics, mountains and many others. Students have been sharing their facts verbally or through drawing and writing. I wonder if they’ve shared any of their newly learned facts at home.
The Preps have been writing facts about their chosen topic, ensuring they have used 5-star writing by including full stops and capital letters in their sentences. They have learnt new sounds including ‘sh’ (Quiet Shaun) ‘ch’ (Crazy Charlie) and ‘th’ (Impolite Theo voiced and unvoiced). Finally, in writing, they have been adding the conjunction ‘because’ into their sentences to expand and tell the reader why something happened.
In Maths, the Preps have been using their knowledge of adding two collections together to answer open-ended questions. They have been using strategies they’ve learnt in class as well as their own to find the answer to problems. There has been lots of encouragement, interpretation and collaboration to support their mathematical thinking.
Sip and Crunch
Sip and Crunch is a great way for your child to refuel on fresh fruit or vegetables during learning time. For Sip and Crunch, we ask that you add a small container of cut fruit or vegetables that is separate from your child’s lunchbox so that they can have it on their table to crunch on while learning. In addition, we also ask that you pack a bottle of water so that they can sip on this at their table during learning time.
Take Home Reading
At Tarneit Rise we have a take-home reading program. Each child will be given a day where they will change the books in their reading satchel or red prep bag with their teacher's assistance. The teacher will also be checking the journal so we can monitor how many nights of reading they have completed.
If you have any questions about this process, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher. They will be happy to help you.
In term 3, parents/carers are asked to let their child walk into the pod by themselves to help build their independence. At the end of the day, children need to be collected from their classrooms by their parents/carers.
Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled. This helps us to get them back to you if they are misplaced.
Keep up the fantastic work Preps!
Best wishes
PLC Prep