Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families, we hope you’re keeping warm
Prep students are doing a great job adjusting to their new learning environments in Performing Arts. We love to see the growth that our prep students make in their first few weeks in our learning space. This fortnight the Preps have been introduced to dance, one of the three main topics we learn about in Performing Arts. They have been practicing copying each other’s movements, and learning about how copying is an important skill in Performing Arts.
Grade 1 and 2 students have been introduced to viewing and responding, which is a skill they will use as they move through their primary school performing arts learning. Viewing and responding is a chance for students to watch, think about and discuss examples of the performing art they are learning about. It gives students a chance to see high quality examples of performance, as well as viewing and discussing a range of cultural art forms.
Grade Four students completing their Viewing and Responding assessment
Senior students have completed their Viewing and Responding assessment. This is an assessment that takes place every term in which students are shown high quality examples of the performing art they are learning about and given the opportunity to analyse and discuss them. Students are encouraged to identify and explain the techniques used in the dances they view, as well as considering the dancers motivation and inspiration.
As well as our lessons we are very excited about the various after school and lunch time performing arts activities that are getting underway this term.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V