Grade 5 Community News

Dear Grade 5 families,
We are well underway for term three and students are working hard to achieve greatness!
Reading Reconsidered
Our Tuck Everlasting unit of work is coming to an end. Over these first few weeks of the semester, students have explored a world created by Natalie Babbitt and unpacked lots of figurative language examples. They have also explored multi-layered characters and invented fantasy settings.
We are looking forward to beginning our Australian Colonisation unit in the upcoming weeks. This unit will build on the learning we have already started and provide us with information about our country's history.
Ask your child/ children about ‘Fantasy Narratives’ because we have practiced developing and writing about fantasy settings, characters and problems/ solutions. Over the next few weeks we are going to plan, write and edit/ revise our own fantasy stories.
Please talk about any ideas you have for fantasy characters or setting; these ideas could be useful for us when we write our fantasy narratives.
Earlier in the term we have been studying transformations of shapes in Geometry. Ask us about these terms: reflection (flipping), rotation (turning), translation (sliding), enlargement and reduction. Help us to find real life examples of these transformations.
We have also been studying and learning how to add and subtract fractions. Help to give meaning to this study by pointing out fractions as they pop up at home.
Students have been learning 6 new words each week from the
text Tuck Everlasting. Students look at the meaning of the words, synonyms and
antonyms for the words, and how to use the words in sentences. They are also retrieving words that they have learnt about already this year. These words are helping to add depth to our writing when we use them expertly, with prompting.
Thank you so much for your support,
- Book week: Week 6
- Grade 5 Open Day: 22 August, 9-10am
- Grade 5 Excursion: Sovereign Hill- 18th September
- Nightly reading journals- how many nights of reading has your child/children completed so far this year?