
I hope you are all well and keeping warm during this cold weather. Recently, Monty has been connecting with schools in Japan. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to connect with young people in Japan and learn about their culture. We recently had a visit from Takakura High School in Japan and sent letters to Wajima High School in Ishikawa, Japan.


Takakura High School Visit

As some of you may know, 13 students from Takakura High School visited Monty recently, and we all had a fabulous day. The students organised three groups, each showcasing a different aspect of Japanese culture. One group led an origami station, another taught calligraphy, and the third introduced Koma, a traditional Japanese spinning top. For many of our students, it was their first time trying Koma. It’s not easy at first, but it was wonderful to see so many of them trying again and again! The Takakura students also performed a dance from Tokyo Disneyland, and our Year 3/4 and Year 1 students joined in the fun. The Takakura students, along with their teachers and coordinators, expressed how lovely our Monty students were, and they hope to visit again during their next study tour in Australia.


Thank you, Takakura High School!



Wajima High School

Wajima High School is located in Wajima City, Ishikawa. Earlier this year, Wajima was hit hard by an earthquake. Although things are gradually improving, many homes remain damaged, and many people are still living in temporary accommodations. We decided to send our thoughts and love through letters and posters to the students at Wajima High School to lift their spirits. Our students were shocked to see the photos shared by a teacher from Wajima High School, but they learned a lot about earthquakes and the challenges faced by the community. They came up with heartfelt messages and carefully crafted items to send over. I was deeply touched by their thoughtfulness. Well done, Monty Year 5/6!