Leadership @ MPS

Staffing Updates

Our Assistant Principal, Lucinda Thom, has accepted another secondment to the Department of Education until the end of the 2024 school year. Her role will be as a Professional Practice Leader/Advisor, working closely with schools and area teams on wellbeing policy and procedures. Lucinda's last day at MPS will be in three weeks, Friday August 30th. This will enable a thorough transition of wellbeing and DI matters. We congratulate Lucinda and wish her all the best with her new role. 


As a result of Lucinda's new appointment, we are currently in recruitment mode to find a replacement to fill her role until the end of the year. When this process is complete, we will update the school community on who the successful applicant is.


We also have some further bittersweet news regarding one of our wonderful staff members, Eta, who you will know from either her work with Camp Australia and/or her Education Support work in classrooms. She has accepted an exciting new position as Regional Manager for the Camp Australia out-of-school hours program. This means that Eta will be leaving her Camp Australia Co-ordinator role with the MPS service, as well as the ES role that she currently occupies with us. Eta’s last day will be next Tuesday, 13th of August.


While we are incredibly sad to see Eta go, we are also thrilled for her as she embarks on this new journey. She has been an integral part of our school community since 2009, bringing dedication, passion, and an unwavering commitment to Monty Primary. We are immensely grateful for the hard work and positive spirit that she has brought to our school. Eta has not only been a fantastic colleague but also a friend to many of us. Her tinkling laugh will be missed by all. 


We have requested that Eta comes back for our next assembly on Friday, 16th of August so that the entire school community can farewell her properly! We look forward to seeing many of you there.


Building Works

After lengthy hold ups with the VSBA, work is now ready to start on the school's new front entrance. The temporary fencing to make the work area accessible for the builders, as well as safe for the school community, was installed on Thursday and ground will be broken on Monday, 12th. At this stage, we are being told that the works will be completed in a few months.


Unfortunately, due to the changes from the original plan, we don't have a 3D render to give an idea of what the space will look like upon completion. The new entrance will include a rectangular cut out from Rattray Road into the current fenced off area within the school grounds, which will be enclosed by rendered walls. This space will incorporate bench seating, new bitumen and a double gate entrance into the school grounds. The old boundary fencing will be replaced, as well as the bitumen which was ruined due to the original works to The Discovery Centre. 


There has also been some exciting updates in relation to the school's pond project. Be sure to read all about it in the 'Science' section of this newsletter.


Smile Squad

The school has organised for the Smile Squad team from HealthAbility (the Victorian Government's free school dental program) to visit us and provide consented students with a free dental check-up, preventive services and treatment at school. Smile Squad's dental van will be visiting the school from Monday, 2nd of September. There is no need for you to attend the appointment with your child, but you can if you'd like to.


Please scan the QR code or follow the link below to register your child/ren for this free service. Paper copies of the consent form can also be collected from the office.




As well as this, all MPS students will receive a free dental pack from the Smile Squad which contains a toothbrush, full sized toothpaste and an oral health brochure. These will be sent home with students early next week. Please take the time to read the brochure included, it’s full of helpful hints and tips to help your whole family eat well, drink well and clean well – for life!


General Health

As you may have seen in recent Compass posts, the school has had a number of confirmed cases of Whooping Cough (Pertussis). Please take the time to read the information sheet which is attached with the post and take action as necessary.


There is also a lot of general sickness (colds and coughs etc.) within the school community currently. Please use your common sense and only send your child to school when they are well enough to be here.