WHPS Art Show Competition 2024

As the WHPS Art show approaches on Thursday September 12th our students will be invited to enter the Art Show Competition. Any student may enter an A4 or A3 size work of art, based on our Art Show theme this year, “Australia Our Home” which is based on popular Australian culture, artists, animals, environment and events. Work can be painted, drawn or collaged (without bulky elements).


No 3D work, construction or 3D canvases please, as we have limited storage space.

Judging will be conducted by an expert panel from our staff and awards will be presented for Winners, Runner Up and Honourable Mention. There are categories for each year level. These works of Art will be unveiled and displayed for the first time on the night.


Please write your Name and Grade on the back of your art work.

Entries will close on August 17th.


As we have such talented and enthusiastic artists at our school it would be wonderful to see many entries for all year levels.


Kind regards,

Kathy Orford and Meagan Baker

Visual Arts Teachers