Student Awards 

Student of the Week - Friday 26th July

Prep BCHugo NFor persisting with sounding out and blending words in reading groups this week. Well done Hugo!
Prep KWSerina JFor your positive attitude towards everything you do at school. You eagerly participate in class activities and always make the most of your learning time. Thanks for being such a great role model to others Serina. 
Prep LLEvelyn LFor being persistent in writing. Well done for writing two and more sentences this week and editing your writing to share your thoughts! You're an amazing learner and we are very lucky to learn with you!  Well done Evelyn!
Prep NALaura JFor improvements in your writing! You have done an excellent job using your fingerspelling and trying to hear all the sounds in your words. Super job Laura, I am so proud of you.
1HQIrena KFor always putting great efforts in your work. You take learning tasks seriously and try your best when faced with challenges. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work Irena!
1LPSkye MFor consistently demonstrating persistence and a positive attitude towards your learning. I am so proud of how you approached the maths activities this week! Keep up the fantastic work, Skye!
1SQAden CCongratulations, Aden, for consistently demonstrating all our school values during learning time and arriving at school on time, ready for learning. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work!
1VBRebecca YFor excellent work in your guided reading group. You did a great job reading fluently and sounding out words. Super effort Rebecca!
2CLDanika VFor showing excellent mathematical skills when solving fractions of a collection. You worked really hard to demonstrate your understanding. Keep up the great work Danika!
2EBCollin TFor a great start to Term 3. You have done an amazing job of settling back in to class and taking on tasks with enthusiasm. It's been great to see you so engaged Collin!
2SMHasti GFor actively listening and answering lots of questions during class discussions. Keep up the terrific effort Hasti!
2SPMatthew ZFor an excellent start to Term 3 and committing to approaching all learning tasks with a great attitude! Well done Matthew!
3DPSeyon RFor showing exceptional team work skills during our Digi-Ed incursion. You showed great respect towards our presenter and your team mates. Well done Seyon!
3EBAidan TFor working collaboratively and respectfully with your group to create a wonderful Claymation. Keep up the great work, Aidan!
3JNAleksandar TFor working well with your group members during our Digi-Ed incursion. You were able to collaborate, share the equipment and listen to your team members. Excellent effort Aleksandar!
3LDLouis CFor writing your Information Report on Zone Bowling. You did such a fantastic job and I loved learning what you know about it. You're a superstar Louis!
4MGKaashvi NFor working co-operatively and creatively with your group during the Digi Ed movie making day.  Keep up your great work, Kaashvi!
4MPJacky ZFor developing new ICT skills during our Digi Ed movie session. I am proud of you Jacky!
4OKGeorgia VFor completing all your times tables! Great work Georgia, you have worked very hard for this.
4SMEric HFor the wonderful way in which you think carefully and creatively about learning tasks. This was evident in your Digi Ed animation where you included clever sequences, camera angles and effects to portray the story. Keep up the awesome work Eric!
5ARAngela SCongratulations on settling in so well at W.H.P.S. You have made an amazing effort to get to know your classmates and contribute eagerly to our group discussions. Well done, Angela!
5 BTMaddie JFor using excellent research skills to develop your writing piece on the platypus. We love how enthusiastic you are about animals Maddie!
5BTVictoria SFor working so diligently in the classroom. Your planning of your writing piece was detailed and clear. You are a superstar member of 5BT Victoria!
5DCAzra QFor being such a happy, friendly and positive member of 5DC. You also make wonderful contributions to whole class and small group discussions Azra. Well done!
5DCOlivia LFor always trying your best and producing work of such a high standard. Your research for your explanation text was impressive Olivia. Keep up the wonderful work!
5TLAva TFor completing her Olympic medal design first and to a very high standard. Thanks for setting a great example Ava.
6JSLeanna ZFor a great effort to improve your understanding of the maths concepts by working hard in class and seeking help when you experience difficulty. Keep up the positive attitude Leanna!
6LVMethum GFor contributing to whole class discussions with considered and thoughtful contributions. Your ideas are valued and important in creating dynamic and interesting conversations in 6LV! Keep up the great work Methum!
6SCLuke JFor your enthused and well-thought out advertisement plan in Inquiry. I'm looking forward to seeing the wonderful ad your group will produce. Well done, Luke!
6TJGloria LFor her excellent knowledge of Excel helping her group track the fluctuating price of company shares for their Stock market project. Well done Gloria!