My Room Fundraiser

Luka Formoso of Year 6 was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia on Good Friday 2022. 


On the 10th of July 2024 Luka is ringing the remission bell. To celebrate him and his journey and to assist every family through childhood cancer to find 100% cure, the Formoso's are raising funds for the MyRoom telethon happening 26th of September on Chanel 9. 


Every year 1000 Australian children are diagnosed with cancer and 1/4 don’t survive…..we also have those children and their families in our prayers and thoughts every day! We were still one of the lucky ones….. PLEASE donate anything you can!!!


A mycause campaign to raise funds for my Team Lukazade ringing the bell cause can be found here.


The goal is to raise $30,000 by 30th September 2024.


If you can, please donate to the campaign and share it with your friends and family to help raise the funds my campaign needs.


Thank you