Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Reading: Aim to read for 15 minutes per night.
Inquiry: We will be continuing to learn about Australia’s resources. Can you identify what resources are found in your home?
Mathematics: Continue to revise your multiplication facts.
You may like to use your timetables app on your iPad for this.
Year 3: 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s
Year 4: all facts - start with those that you are least confident with.
Learning this week:
Spelling: Year 3 sound focus this week is the ‘i’ for /ie/ sound, with a grammar focus on paragraphs. Year 4 sound focus is on the suffix ‘ically’ with a grammar focus on Present participles as adjectives.
You might like to write out your spelling words for additional practice:
Year 3 – i for /ie/ | Year 4 – suffix: ically |
icy icon diet child idea wild
behind spider pirate diary Viking horizon
phial quiet gigantic diagonal microphone hibernate
| artistically critically logically quizzically basically vertically
historically politically romantically technically typically chaotically
alphabetically traumatically majestically rhythmically sarcastically catastrophically |
Writer’s Workshop:We are continuing to work on our persuasive craft, as well as exploring how we describe place and location, which will prepare us for our excursion.
Reader’s Workshop: We are continuing to explore significant natural and built features in Australia and in the world, before moving into researching Australia’s resources. Specifically, we are exploring digital texts, and how to know if they are trustworthy for research.
Mathematics: We will continue exploring fractions through hands-on activities. We will learn about how fractions represent equal parts of a whole, with a focus on equivalent fractions, whilst applying our understanding to real-life situations
Unit of Inquiry: We are well into our Unit of Inquiry – Where we are in place and time. This week, we begin exploring the significant places in Adelaide city that we will visit on our excursion. As well as continuing to explore Australia’s resources; where they come from, and what they are used for.
Premier’s Reading Challenge – Please keep reading books at home to help your children to fill in their PRC lists. It is a good idea to record these somewhere so they can remember the details for their PRC sheet. We will also be completing books as a class to help as well.
Special Persons Afternoon – Please note that the date has changed for Special Person’s Afternoon (SPA). It will now be Friday the 20th September (Week 9, Friday).
Book Week – Book Week is fast approaching us, it will be happening in Week 5. Our dress up day will be on Monday the 19th of August. The theme this year is Reading is Magic! More information to come soon.
Ping Pong A Thon – The annual Ping Pong A Thon is happening this coming Friday – August 16th. The day will be a casual clothes day, with a gold coin donation to be brought in to go towards fundraising for this event.
SACSA netball – Wednesday Week 5
Students in the team were notified today and permission slips will be coming home shortly.
Cluster Excursion – When: Tuesday the 13th of August (next Tuesday)
We have an exciting day for the children planned and we will be visiting significant places in the city.
Can you please return the permission slips ASAP, thank you so much.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Chelsie Riches, Jade Fielke and Cloe Richardson