Year 3/4 News

Akshpreet, Leannder and Sean

Space and the Solar System

The Year 3/4s have been very excited learning about Space and the Solar system that we are surrounded by. We have been exploring planets in greater depth, focusing on what makes planet Earth liveable, compared to the other surrounding planets. 



Students have been engaged with mathematics and concepts of measurements. We have created our homemade metre-long rulers and have been using them to accurately measure a variety of classroom objects using precise language and units of measurement such as metres, centimetres, and millimetres.


We have been focusing on the strategies of Compare and Contrast in our reading. We have spent time reading mentor texts, comparing characters and settings, and collating this information using Venn diagrams and a mixture of T and Y graphs.


Students have also been finalising their term-long work on writing procedures and have been working hard to revise, edit and publish a final piece to share with the classes.