Ways of Being Together, Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

Information & Latest News 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leadership Role & Wellbeing Space

My new role at Sacred Heart this year is the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader.  In my MHWL role, l will be building the capacity of school staff, in particular classroom teachers, to develop a school shared vision that prioritises wellbeing alongside learning.  I will be supporting staff members to support students to feel safe and confident at school.  The training l receive in this role is through the University of Melbourne and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.  I will also be working closely with other MHWL’s at schools around Melbourne to support my work in this role.  


Part of my role this year has been in establishing a Wellbeing Space where children can go to with an adult to chat, unwind and get ready to learn. Some images of our beautiful wellbeing space are below.



Andrea Finlay

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader


Erin Stone

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Prep - Year 2)



Kirstyn Morgan

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Year 3-6)
