Message from the
School Principal
Mrs Kaylene Carlin
Message from the
School Principal
Mrs Kaylene Carlin
Dear Sacred Heart Families & Friends,
On Wednesday night, many of our Year 6 students received the Sacrament of Confirmation, bestowed on them by Bishop Martin Ashe and concelebrated Mass with Fr Binh. Through the sacrament, the children were invited to strengthen their faith through the gifts of the Holy Spirit which help us to live as God wants us to. The sacrament of confirmation is also an invitation to actively participate in the life of the Church, be a witness to our faith, serve others and live a life as Jesus showed us.
Congratulations to all of our students who received the Sacrament on Wednesday night. It was a special day that marked an important step in your faith journey. May the Holy Spirit fill your heart with wisdom, courage and joy. Embrace these gifts and let them shine through in everything you do.
Earlier this week, Cath Palmer (Faith Life Leader), Sue Burke (English Leader) and myself travelled to Canberra to take part in a conference named "A Current of Grace".
Over the two days, we listened to speakers from around the world and Australia exploring the evangelistic aspect of our faith, both personally and as faith leaders in a Catholic school. The conference focused on re-imagining Catholic schools as centres of evangelisation, drawing on two high-impact strategies – leader and teacher formation and student formation for peer-to-peer youth ministry.
We look forward to leading the Sacred Heart staff on Monday next week in the next phase of our faith formation program, drawing on the knowledge and insights we have gained through the conference. We are also excited to explore many of the ideas presented on the topic of student faith formation and peer-to-peer youth ministry, partnering with youth ministers through the Catholic Schools Youth Ministry International (CSYMI) and the CSYMI Junior Model for our senior school students. Stay tuned for more details over the coming weeks.
Last week the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools. Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools believe the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students and not be based on which school you
This policy penalises families for choosing to send their children to a Catholic school.
Our school, Sacred Heart Primary School and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority, are working hard to oppose this policy and we need your help.
We need to show the Victorian Government that punishing families who choose a Catholic school is unacceptable.
Please consider contacting our local Member of Parliament, Melissa Horne, to express your concern. Melissa can be contacted by calling 9399 9022 or by emailing See below for a link to a template email that you may wish to use to send to the local MP.
Thank you for your time in reading this and for advocating for your family and our school.
On Saturday, 11th May, a group of Sacred Heart women gathered together at the Junction Hotel to celebrate Mother's Day and motherhood. It was a wonderful day filled with lots of fun, laughter and delicious food.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who attended in support of this fundraising event to raise money for school resources. The event raised $1115 which will go towards the purchase of some new take home readers for the school.
A massive shout out and thank you to Jade (Mum of Lacey and Leo) who organised the event, along with a team of parents who were also involved - Patty, Kelly, Kellie, Emma, Danni, Michelle and Geraldine. The event would not have been possible without you all.
I remain yours in faith and gratitude,
Kaylene Carlin
Dear Parishioners,
This is the last weekend for our Census form to be returned. For those that have not yet returned the completed Census form, can you please do so be either dropping off at this weekend’s Masses, the Presbytery mailbox or email the completed form to
Your assistance is greatly appreciated as it's important that we have an accurate and up-to-date register of parishioners to inform our pastoral care, strategic planning, and resource distribution. This endeavour seeks to strengthen our parish’s vitality, vibrancy, and viability for the years ahead.
For those of you who have completed and returned the Census form thank you for your support.
Newport Parish Office