Teaching, Learning and Book Club

Teaching and Learning

Hello families,


It was with great excitement that our Curriculum Committee announced Teesdale Primary School’s participation in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge for 2024! The purpose of this year's challenge is to explore, learn and enjoy - promoting a love for reading. At TPS, we are ready for the challenge!


 School students and parents: taking part in the Premiers' Reading Challenge | vic.gov.au


The Premiers’ Reading Challenge has a digital platform that makes partaking in the challenge as simple as reading a book and logging it. This week in classrooms, teachers will take their students through the process. Teachers will then verify that books have been read by aligning with home reading recording in our school diaries. Our Middle and Senior students will be able to manage the challenge with their iPads, our Junior students may require extra support. 

Usernames and passwords will be stuck into school diaries, allowing students to access the platform at home and school.  I have included a link and screenshots from the Government website to support families at home, however, please know that we are more than happy to help if you have any difficulties. Happy reading!


Ms Barnett

Book Club

Scholastic Book Club is a service offered to students, parents and teachers. Brochures advertising a variety of books and computer software are sent home with each student, approximately twice a term.


Purchase of the books is not compulsory and there is no obligation. If you do wish to purchase any goods simply log into the Book Club site www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP and follow the prompts. All Book Club orders must be ordered and paid for via LOOP. Do not send order forms and cash to school. When the order arrives at school, books are sent home with students.


The School earns “Bonus Points” for each order which can be used to purchase new resources for the Library.


Issue 2 orders should be in by the end of next week and Issue 3 will be out early in term 2. 


Click here for the Scholastic Book Club Parent Log in page or to register for new users.


How to order 

Click on ORDER in the top menu or REGISTER first to save your details for the first time.  Select Teesdale PS and your child’s class.  Add your child’s name and last initial. Enter the item number from the brochure. 

You can order for multiple children at once. All orders are linked directly to the school.  


Our school receives bonus points, which are redeemed for a variety of books for the children therefore we thank you for your continued support.


If parents wish to collect orders personally from the office, please let the school know.


Please go to www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP and find Teesdale Primary School to order or alternatively you can download the LOOP app via the App Store or Google Play.