Middle School

Year 9+10

Key Dates

10Wed 19 JuneY9 Acceleration expression of interest due
All WeekYear 10 Exams
Fri 21 JuneReport writing day - Student-free day
11Mon 24 JuneYear 9 VCE Acceleration Test
All Week Year 10 Work Experience

Year 9 Student - VCE Acceleration in 2025

There is the opportunity in 2025 for some students to commence VCE early via our acceleration program.

This is dependent on meeting the selection criteria of:

  • Strong academic performance (A+, A, B grades) and aptitude test
  • Work habits and commitment to learning
  • Attendance of 90% plus

If you believe you meet this criteria and would like to apply for VCE Acceleration please complete the application below by Wednesday 19 June, 4.00pm


The application process is:

1.Acceleration Expression of Interest form (link above)

2.Sit the online Aptitude Test – general knowledge test.

3.If offered a VCE subject it will only be confirmed once the Semester 2 report has been reviewed.


Further information is below. Please speak to Ms Kerwin or Ms Wharton if you have any questions.



Year 10 Exams

All Year 10 students have now commenced exams, and they continue this week (14 June - 20 June). They will undertake an exam for each of their six subjects. 

  • Students are only required at school during their scheduled exams.
  • Students need to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to all of their exams, line up in front of the hall in full school uniform. Any uniform breaches may result in students not being able to sit their exams.
  • B2 will be available as a study space for Year 10 students to use throughout the entire exam period. 

If you are enrolled in a Year 11 class, they will continue to run for during this period, if you do not have an exam at your scheduled class time we encourage you to still attend these classes so as to not fall behind.  Please see attached the exam timetable for the week.


Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 10 Work Experience is compulsory. If you have not handed in your work experience forms you must do so ASAP. If you still have not found a placement you need to make an appointment with the Careers Team in A5.


To complete work experience all employers require students to have completed the Safe@Work module. Students were given class time to do this, if you have yet to complete the modules and upload your certificate please do so ASAP. 


Work experience dates: 24 - 28 June

If you do not find a placement you will be required to come to school for the week. 


Reporting Absences

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Morgan Rose on 9091 8133


Celebrating Success

Year 10 Green Compass Posts

  • Chloe Nardella - Food studies
  • Evan Tudor - Psychology
  • Calvin Nguyen - Food studies
  • Jake Verdino - Legal studies
  • Monique Nardella - Food studies

Year 9  Green Compass Posts

  • Nina Morgan
  • Navya Bhasin
  • Nicola Parker
  • Sascha Nelson
  • Dante Parreira
  • Barghav Adirala