Junior School

Year 7+8

Coordinator Messages

We hope everybody had a relaxing long weekend, all ready for the final push before Semester One reports are released on the last day of this term. We encourage families to ask to see student planners and check Learning Tasks on Compass as it really is our students' responsibility to ensure all essential tasks are submitted. Teachers can be contacted directly via Compass if students are concerned about a particular assessment. The Library is open to all students for Homework Help on Wednesdays. 3:15-4pm every week and we encourage our students to take advantage of this time. 


A reminder that locks are still open on some lockers during the school day, please continue to discuss the importance of this with your students to keep their property safe. 


The  exam period has begun for our Y10-12 students around the school and we particularly ask for all Junior School students to be quiet and respectful near the exam hall over the next two weeks. 


Our last message is in regards to continual lateness, even with parental permission. For students who are continually late, they are losing valuable minutes from their class time. If this continues, they will need to make up that time at lunchtime in the Junior School completing the missed tasks. This will escalate to after school sessions for ongoing occurreaces. Please ensure students allow sufficient travel time to arrive at school no later than 8:50am. 

Camp Opportunity for Year 8 students

Year 8 Camp - Tasmania

Tahune Air Walk
Port Arthur Historic Site
Hotel Ibis Styles - Hobart
Hotel Ibis Styles - Hobart
Cascade Female Factory Tour
Museum of Old & New Art (MONA)
Tasman National Park - Coastline
Tahune Air Walk
Port Arthur Historic Site
Hotel Ibis Styles - Hobart
Hotel Ibis Styles - Hobart
Cascade Female Factory Tour
Museum of Old & New Art (MONA)
Tasman National Park - Coastline


The school would like to offer the opportunity for 50 Year 8 students to experience a camp to Tasmania from the 18-21 November. The total cost is $1325 which will be charged to families in three increments over the next three months.


A Compass event for the camp will be released on Monday 17 June at 9am. The first 50 families who complete the consent form and pay the deposit of $477 will confirm their place on this trip. The remainder of the cost will be charged in two equal automatic payments on the 31/7 and the 31/8 of $424 each. 

Note: The school reserves the right to withdraw consent if we have behavioural or attendance concerns. 


Please be mindful that regular classes will continue for the duration of the week at school. Please see the planned itinerary below.


Day 1 - Monday, November 18

  • Students arrive at MC
  • Bus transfer from school to Melbourne Airport - Tullamarine
  • Fly to Hobart / Arrive in Hobart
  • MONA visit: Explore more than 2000 artworks, antiquities and ethnographic pieces at this unconventional and unforgettable museum.
  • Dinner
  • Ibis Styles Hobart

Day 2 - Tuesday, November 19

  • Breakfast
  • Tahune Airwalk guided visit: Discover the famous Tahune AirWalk, an elevated walkway 30 metres above the forest floor, and 50 metres above the Huon River with spectacular views of the World Heritage Area.
  • Packed lunch
  • Dinner
  • Cinema visit - Snack Combo 1 (Popcorn/Choc-top + Drink Combo)
  • Ibis Styles Hobart

Day 3 - Wednesday, November 20

  • Breakfast
  • Travel to Port Arthur via Devils Kitchen, Tasman Arch, Tessellated Pavement and Blow Hole: Stop along the way to visit the vast array of natural sites and unusual geological formations within the Tasman National Park.
  • Tasmanian Devil Unzoo visit
  • Port Arthur Historic Site guided visit and cruise: Hear stories of life at Port Arthur and consider whether the settlement was a place of punishment, reform, or both, during visits to the Waterfront, the Penitentiary Precinct, the Hospital and the Separate Prison.
  • View Southern Tasmania's most picturesque and unspoilt harbour cruising past Point Puer and the Isle of the Dead.
  • Port Arthur Historic Site - Isle of the Dead guided visit
  • Packed lunch
  • Dinner
  • Ghost Tour
  • Travel to Hobart and return to Ibis Styles Hobart

Day 4 - Thursday, November 21

  • Breakfast
  • Mount Wellington excursion - Pinnacle visit
  • Hobart driver-led sightseeing tour
  • Cascades Female Factory guided visit: Gain an insight into the system of punishment and reform that took place at the Cascades Female Factory in the 1800's. Develop a sense of empathy for the convict women who spent time here and consider whether their punishments were befitting their crimes.
  • Packed lunch provided
  • Depart Hobart
  • Bus transfer from Melbourne Airport - Tullamarine (students to be picked up from the airport by families)

If you have any questions please contact Rachel Collins, Year 8 Program Manager:

rachel.collins@education.vic.gov.au or via phone on 9091 8100.


Key Dates

9Fri 14 JuneLast Day to hand in Sem 1 Classwork (to meet reporting deadline) 
10Mon 17 JuneYear 8 Camp Released on Compass (first 50 students) 
Fri 21 JuneReport Writing Day - Student Free Day 
11Tue 25 JuneMusic Concert - 6pm 
Thu 27 JuneYear 7 Assembly - period 3 
Fri 28 June

Last day of Term 2 (3:10pm finish)

Semester 1 Reports published


Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136


For all absences for medical reasons please submit a medical certificate to Junior School, this ensures the attendance percentage will be approved.


All family holidays during term time are unapproved school absences. 

Please fill in the attached form if this is applicable to your family and update Compass absence details accordingly. https://forms.office.com/r/q7nnA3nqcD


Students are responsible for catching up on any missed work and assessments and may be required to stay after school to ensure this work is completed prior to the 14 June deadline.


All enquiries related to missed class work should be directed to classroom teachers via Compass.

Celebrating Success 

Congratulations to all the Year 7 and 8 students who participated in the School Sports Victoria round in Weeks 8 & 9 this term, we are super proud of their efforts.