Mental Health and Wellbeing

What is Respectful Relationships education?

Respectful Relationships is about tackling family violence through education. 


 “The school community is an essential part of social reform by modelling a culture of respect through the whole school, not just by teaching respect in the classroom”.

Rosie Batty, CEO of the Luke Batty Foundation.


In 2017, respectful relationships education was introduced by The Department of Education to be taught as part of the Victorian curriculum.


The Victorian Government is supporting schools to model respectful relationships across the whole school community as part of its commitment to respectful relationships education. 

The Government is providing Victorian schools with a range of extra supports and resources including, new Respectful Relationships teaching and learning materials. 

In the classroom, children learn problem-solving skills, to develop empathy, support their own wellbeing and build healthy relationships with others. The initiative provides resources to best support children and staff who are affected by family violence.


When children build positive relationships with their teachers and peers, they feel safer and happier at school, are more resilient and have positive social attitudes. Positive relationships also increase a child’s sense of social connectedness and belonging which can result in better health and academic outcomes. 


Further information about Respectful Relationships is available on the Department of Education and Training website: