Year 5 Update
Upcoming Learning for Term 2, weeks 6 & 7
- Reading - To understand point of view and perspective.
- Writing- To understand how to write and participate in a debate
- Maths- To understand patterns and measurements
- Inquiry- To understand our role in being global citizens.
- Social and Emotional Learning-The Embrace program.
Congratulations Nathaniel.
Nathaniel (5E) has been selected to take part in the The Australian Little League championships for baseball held 3rd-12th of June. What an amazing achievement and we wish you the best of luck competing in the tournament.
Upcoming Events
Backpacks 4 Vic Kids donation drive.
Brainstorm Well-being Production.
Alkira Production rehearsal.
Hillsmeade Heroes
Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:
5A- Isaac & Milla
5B- Zarli & Charlotte
5C- Kai & Ava
5D- Ella & Nilofar
5E- Nilab & Alina
Multiplication Masters
Congratulations to the following students who have achieved Diplomas for their multiplication facts:
Jessie (5A) Ava H (5C) Maryam (5D)
Lyla (5A) Josh B (5C) Nilofar (5D)
Owen (5A) Samara (5C) Ellie B (5D)
Kaidan (5A) Tamana (5D)
Yuvi (5D)
Arman (5D)
Omar (5D)
Benyamin (5D)
Backpacks 4 Vic Kids
Through our Inquiry topic of "Who Cares" year 5 students are collecting items to donate to Backpacks 4 Vic kids. Donations of stationery, baby items, toiletries, socks, undies and clothing and books. All items should be new and still in packaging. Donations can be brought into the year 5 classrooms for the next 3 weeks.
A focus of Year 5 is developing speed and fluency with multiplication facts. Students are encouraged to learn their multiplication and division facts to support them with other areas of Mathematics as the year progresses.
Reading each night is an ongoing expectation. Reading can be tracked in students' diaries or through Epic.
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