Food Technology 

What are Students Learning in Food Technology? 

During our Food Technology sessions, senior students have had the opportunity to use their understandings and apply their knowledge and preferences for flavours and spices. They have explored cooking with pasta and eggs sourced from our school chicken coop that were harvested by the gardening club students. In return, all classes send vegetable cuttings back to the chickens, which are always well received. They further investigated the function of eggs and types of pasta and its history.


The junior grades have been completing the five food groups series, applying their understanding of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating that underpins our learning and skills to ensure that students can become critical learners. 


The grade 3s are comparing food models across Asia and preparing a selection of Asian style foods. They also compared the Australian model of food with an indigenous model. The grade 4s have been exploring cultural foods and pastry investigating its adaptability in cooking sweet and savoury foods.


Sally Wilson

Food Technology