2024 School Council

Dear Parents, 


Since our last newsletter where parent helpers were discussed, it has been so wonderful to see parent helpers in rooms across the school. These parents have been helping with reading, with mathematics, in the canteen and with all parts of classroom life.  Their contribution is vital and welcomed.  If you would like to be a parent helper also, please contact the office so we can make that happen.  Your help can be as little as 15 minutes in the morning, through to a session, or even part or whole day. It can be a one-off or a regular event. All help is most welcome. Parent helpers do need a valid Working with Children's Check so if you have not got one, now is the perfect time.  They are free for volunteers and can be obtained by clicking this link


The Brimbank City Council has informed us that they have stepped up traffic patrols of the area as we have see a large increase in drivers double-parking, parking in disabled spots without a permit, parking across driveways and similar. To avoid a traffic infringement please obey all road and parking regulations. More importantly however, to avoid a child being injured please be extra careful around our school and keep in mind young brains do not make decisions like older ones, so slow and steady is the best way to go. 




Vince Scarfo

School Council President