Principal's Report 

 Dear Parents, 


What a wonderful experience our grade three and four students had on their camp to Cave Hill Creek.  Contrary to popular myth, there were not any crocodiles or eels in the lake, however there were loads of enthusiastic canoeists. There were also archers close by shooting at targets, hut builders, crate stackers and bush chefs. From all accounts it was a hugely successful camp. A very big thank you to our parent helper David for coming along, as well as the staff who took time away from their family and friends for this to occur. The next part of our camping program will be our grade 1 late stay, grade two sleep-over and grade prep breakfast all rolled into one.

Last week was National Reconciliation Week and students and staff had the opportunity to work their way through activities that both explains what this week is for, and also how we can all do our part to reconcile past injustices and work together towards a prosperous future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. 

This day, like all of our days of significance across the year, aims to broaden our students' understanding of important cultural or child related events in an age appropriate manner and to have their voice become part of the conversation.  


 Last week also saw us host over 50 people at our Enrolment Information Night for 2025 prep students.  As always, our student leaders did us proud taking prospective parents on tours of the school before we settled into The Hive for an information/Q and A session. It was so heart-warming to see so many parents taking such a keen interest in their child's first step into primary school. If you have a chid for prep next year, enrolments are now being taken at the office so please fill out the necessary forms at your earliest convenience. 

Finally, a reminder that this Friday, June 7th, is a pupil free day meaning students are not required at school on this day.  TheirCare are available for care on this day so please book accordingly if you require supervision for your child/ren. 


The following Monday is the King's Birthday public holiday giving students a four day break from school.  Please mark this in your diary. 


Kind Regards, 


Simon McGlade
