Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

 Students of the Week

Monday 27th May

NameGrade Congratulations to the following students for:
Noah1Bhis willingness to participate in class discussions and his great attitude towards his learning in all areas in the classroom. Keep up the great work!
Antonella1Abeing a really responsible class member and having a positive attitude towards her learning. 
Ivy2Bmaking fabulous progress in your reading journey. You should be very proud!
KinzaPrepAshowing a growth mindset and challenging herself during numeracy to learn all about the numbers from 0 to 10. You are a superstar. Well Done Kinza!
Michail2Ademonstrating an impressive and focussed attitude to his learning this week. Congratulations Michail on trying so hard with your independent writing piece on an explanation text. It was lovely to see how proud you were of your achievement. Keep up the great work and making positive choices in your learning!
Nicholas2Bcompleting an outstanding explanation text, whilst remembering the structure and language features that needs to be included. Keep up the great work Nicholas!
Violet3Bdemonstrating her learning in Food Technology by applying her knowledge of her family culture
BeauPrepAfor his is excellent attitude to all Performing Arts learning tasks. Bravo Beau!
Eyad3Areflecting on his learning and taking on feedback to help him improve. Well done Eyad.
Mya5Bdedication to your factual narrative writing. You have been applying your knowledge of figurative and descriptive language to create vivid imagery in your writing - well done!
Antoinette6Bconsistently demonstrating respect by using her manners and following instructions.  Keep up the great effort Antoinette!
Oliver5Ademonstrating respect for his learning, by working hard at all times and being kind towards others. Congratulations Oliver!
Julian4Bstepping out of your comfort zone and trying new and exciting things. You worked hard to follow all instructions from school staff and camp facilitators, allowing you to enjoy camp to its fullest. Well done, You should feel proud of yourself!
Stefan4Ademonstrating an extensive knowledge of Geography during our Inquiry sessions this term. You're such an enthusiastic learner! Well done Stefan!
Jasper4Abeing an incredible participant during camp. He worked hard to keep everyone accountable and was always the first to say thank you to camp staff. Congratulations Jasper! You blew us all away with your positive attitude!
Liosha3Bfor having a go at every task with enthusiasm and doing their best. 
DeekshitaPrepBalways putting maximum effort in her work. Keep up the amazing work Deekshita! 
Noa4BNoa has a very clear understanding of the importance of dedication and responsibility when it comes to her personal learning. It's always a pleasure to have such a reliable learning in The Hive.
Jennissa6Aalways giving her best in every situation. This student is an asset to 6A. Congratulations Jennissa.

Monday 3rd June

NameGradeCongratulations to the following students for:
Amy1Balways making good choices during the school day. Her commitment to school makes her a role model for other students. I'm continuously impressed.
Myra1Aconsistently showing respect to your friends and your teachers. Well done Myra!
Gracie3Afor being kind, caring and respectful to her peers and teachers at camp. Well done Gracie.
Henry2Bbeing a resilient learner and taking on all feedback and applying this to your learning. You have produced detailed explanations texts. Keep up the great work Henry! 
Scarlett2Ademonstrating the value of Resilience every day in the classroom. Scarlett you never give up and continually try your best through the challenges! Congratulations and keep up with the positive attitude to your learning!
Maryam5Aexpecting respect from a group of boys and speaking her mind.  Well Done Maryam!
Alisha1Bdemonstrating resilience during Food Technology this week and supporting her team.
Nadia6Bconsistently showing respect towards her peers and teachers. Congratulation Nadia!
JasminePrepAdemonstrating the value of respect by using her manners and always communicating in a positive way with her teachers, adults and peers. Congratulations and very well done Jasmine!
Billy5Brespecting others through whole-body listening, sharing your brilliant ideas by putting your hand up and respecting the personal space bubbles of others. Your diligent work is bring you amazing results in your factual narrative writing - well done, Billy!
Renea2Arespecting her peers and her teacher during P.E. by doing her best listening, following instructions and helping her classmates wherever she can. Renea always ensures her classmates are included and makes sure everyone gets a turn. Congratulations Renea, keep up the good work! 
KalaniPrepBalways using her manners in the classroom. Keep up the amazing work Kalani!
Kai4Bdemonstrating deep compassion during our Reconciliation Week inquiry topic. You made great connections. and displayed strong characteristics of our school values. Well done, Kai!
HarperPrepBIt's always a pleasure seeing Harpers politeness and thoughtfulness to others shine through in The Hive. Your consideration for others is a wonderful part of who you are.
Estelle3Bfor showing respect during whole group learning and small group learning to her teachers and peers!






Monday 27th May

Monday 3rd June





Monday 27th May

Monday 3rd June




                        Individual Weekly Attendance Winners


Monday 27th May

Monday 3rd June