Classroom Systems Survey 

Classroom Systems and Brief Survey 

Ask your children what they're doing after assembly for School-wide Positive Behaviour this term, and they may tell you about the classroom routines, rules and expectations they are negotiating with their teachers.  The process strongly activates student agency and voice.  The outcome is a classroom matrix that reflects our whole school matrix values; Learning, Respect, Resilience and Teamwork. The settings within each class are; 'whole group learning, small group learning, transitions, independent learning and when I need assistance'.  Students are acknowledged for demonstrating their class matrix expectations and we will share the excitement/'BUZZ' in our next newsletter.


After having a conversation with your child about their classroom matrix, it would be greatly appreciated if you can please participate in the brief survey at the following link:


Classroom Systems aims to improve: 

  • student behaviour through consistency and explicitly stated behaviour
  • academic achievement and individual student outcomes
  • student engagement and increased time on task for students and teachers by minimising classroom disruptions
  • wellbeing of students, and
  • student voice.

We are looking forward to sharing the journey from various perspectives this term. 


Lunchtime Clubs - A Menu of Choices

Once again, Mackellar's Lunchtime Clubs recommenced early this term.  To see the 'ear to ear' smiles and joy that Clubs brings to our students is heartwarming to say the least, but it's also evidence that the program is working.  At a deeper level, Clubs is a strong builder of social and emotional learning skills as students with shared interests connect with children from other grades and year levels.  They really enjoy having a menu of choices about how they may spend their unstructured time.  Clubs is also one of the many contributing factors that builds a sense of belonging for children in a positive school community.


Clubs start at the beginning of lunchtime and finish at 2.05pm.  This means that students still have a chance to enjoy unstructured time outdoors.  


Here is our most recent timetable that is promoted in all classrooms.