Student Engagement

This term, several of our students have had the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, and we are excited to share some of their stories with you. Among them, two standout experiences come from students who have been applying their skills in unique and impactful ways.

From Classroom to Supermarket Aisles: Real-World Learning at North Orange Woolworths


One of our dedicated students recently completed a work experience placement at North Orange Woolworths. This placement was an excellent opportunity to put into practice the skills and knowledge gained from our Mini Woolies program, an in-school initiative designed to simulate the operations of a real supermarket.


During their time at North Orange Woolworths, Dylan has been able to immerse himself in the daily operations of a bustling supermarket environment. Having conquered the bakery, Dylan is looking forward to assisting customers, managing inventory, and learning about the behind-the-scenes logistics that keep the store running smoothly.



Applying Mini Woolies Skills in a Real-World Setting


The Mini Woolies program has been instrumental in preparing our students for such experiences. Through this program, students learn about various aspects of supermarket operations, including customer service, cash handling, inventory management, and teamwork. These practical lessons provide a strong foundation that students can build upon during their work placements.


The student who worked at North Orange Woolworths reported that the experience was incredibly beneficial. Dylan has felt well-prepared thanks to the Mini Woolies program and was able to confidently handle their responsibilities. This placement not only enhanced their practical skills but also provided valuable insights into the retail industry, helping him to consider future career paths.

Diving into Teaching: Trainee Learn-to-Swim Instructor at Orange Aquatic Centre


Another remarkable example comes from a student who has been putting their swimming expertise to use as a trainee learn-to-swim instructor at the Orange Aquatic Centre, managed by Orange City Council! Shelby, Anson Street's resident swimming superstar was able to share her passion for swimming while gaining experience in teaching and coaching.


Shelby will be assisting with swim lessons for children, focusing on fundamental swimming skills, water safety, and building confidence in the water. This hands-on experience not only reinforced their own swimming skills but also developed their ability to communicate effectively and instruct others.



Transforming Passion into Teaching Expertise


The trainee learn-to-swim instructor role at Orange Aquatic Centre provided a unique opportunity for Shelby to combine their love for swimming with practical teaching experience. By working closely with experienced instructors, they will learn how to follow a lesson plan, manage groups of children, and adapt teaching techniques to meet individual needs.


Shelby is finding this experience immensely rewarding, as it allows her to positively impact the community by helping young swimmers develop essential life skills (as well as showing off her swimming prowess!). This placement has sparked an interest in pursuing a career in sports coaching or physical education, showcasing the truly transformative power of work experience.

The Benefits of Work Experience


Work experience placements like these are invaluable for our students. They offer a chance to:

  • Gain Practical Experience: Students apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings, enhancing their learning.
  • Develop Work-Related Skills: Interpersonal communication, time management, and problem-solving skills are just a few of the competencies that are honed.
  • Build Confidence: Successfully navigating a work environment boosts students' self-esteem and independence.
  • Explore Career Options: Exposure to different industries helps students make informed decisions about their future careers.

Looking Forward


We are incredibly proud of our students and the commitment they show towards their personal and professional development. The partnerships with North Orange Woolworths and the Orange Aquatic Centre, along with the success of our Mini Woolies program, highlight the importance of hands-on learning experiences.


As we continue to expand our work experience opportunities, we look forward to seeing more students benefit from these types of practical learning environments. Congratulations to all our students who have taken part in work experience this term – your hard work and dedication are truly inspiring!


Liam Low

Engagement Officer