Spotlight On

Intergenerational Learning

Our first cohort of Intergenerational Learners have had a wonderful term getting to know residents and staff from Orange Grove Care Community. Each Thursday morning our students have visited their "grand friends" at the care community - a commitment our students take very seriously, Covid testing beforehand, checking our personal appearance and preparing games, jokes and stories to share. Intergenerational Learning Australia guided the first few week's activities, with getting to know you style games and our students quickly took to the program with maturity, kindness and a commitment to community. We have seen our student's confidence grow, conversation skills increase and their kindness and consideration shine. 


In Term 3, our Stage 6 Intergenerational Learners we will start to learn about not only their grand friends' past professions but those of the staff that work at Orange Grove caring for our community. Our students will be offered the opportunity to do work experience in the kitchen, dining room, laundry and grounds teams. 


We are so proud of the way the students have represented our school. 



From our Intergenerational Learners:  

"I love hanging out with our grand friends. Peter is cool" - Harrison

“I did word puzzles with Ian today. He’s really nice, smart, intelligent” - Kruz

“I hung out with Marg. We did colouring and talked. She’s really nice, kind, lovely and talkative. I think we’ll have a really good bond” - Gypsy

“It was fun. I liked painting the King’s Birthday posters. It helped me talk to people I’ve never met before” - Skye

“I hung out with Peter and Cecilia. Cecilia is kind. It was fun playing shuffleboard” - Toby


Edwina Brennan

Skills Development Officer