Inside the Classroom

Early Primary

Class 5 has been focusing on developing social skills and interacting with peers. Students have enjoyed engaging in various activities that emphasise turn-taking. Additionally, they have actively participated in daily story time, as well as weekly music and art lessons.


Class 10 have been exploring routine, sensory and fine motor development and social skills during meal times.


In class 11, students have started studying a new topic in mathematics known as Subitising. The current focus is on examining small collections of objects and learning to count them. Methods explored include using 10 frames, sorting objects, using dice, and creating number plates with dots arranged in random patterns. The class is actively practicing the recognition of numbers under 10 without counting them explicitly.

During English, students explore a range of texts each week. The current focus is on identifying the sequence of events depicted in these texts. Students work together to sequence pictures and then complete individual sequencing tasks. Throughout the texts, characters and their activities are examined, alongside their names. Some texts incorporate rhyming patterns, which students recognise and attempt to emulate in their own writing. The exploration of various texts will remain a key aspect for the remainder of the term.


Billie-Jo Rutten

Assistant Principal - Early Primary 

Upper Primary

The students and staff of Upper Primary have been celebrating National Reconciliation Week as well as continuing with regular class activities. There has been a lot of learning happening in and out of the classroom.


Class 6 have enjoyed Mrs Cooke returning to teach music each Tuesday. They have also been cooking weekly after shopping for their ingredients. 

Class 8 were the coordinators of the collaborative Primary Reconciliation art work. The students did a fantastic job of putting this together. It has been great to see the students helping and supporting each other with a range of activities.

Class 8 also created artworks for the recent Recycled Art project. They enjoyed going to see their artwork at the Orange Library. 

Class 12 have been exploring where foods come from. They enjoyed making and eating popcorn. The students have been exploring puppets and interacting with them. 

Classes 12 and 13 have been learning about where food comes from. They have enjoyed collecting apples, visiting the chickens and milking a cow. 

Class 13 have been enjoying making the recipe of the week. The students take care to follow the recipe and will often taste most of the new foods. They also worked hard on different activities for Reconciliation Week. 

Kari Priest

Assistant Principal - Upper Primary

Stage 4

Students in Stage 4 celebrated Reconciliation Week, with the students viewing and discussing the origin of Reconciliation Week and listening to different stories. They also designed and created artworks with an Aboriginal theme. 

Classes have continued to practice a range of skills in the Skills House. This includes personal care, ironing, and hanging out clothes. These are skills that can also be done at home which would help the children in being able to become more independent. 

In Science lessons, we have been exploring renewable energy through experiments and research. 

Stephen Gross

Assistant Principal - Stage 4 

Stage 5

Adaptability has been the key for Stage 5, whilst navigating inclement weather the past few weeks. Students continue to thrive in their dynamic learning environments, supported by quality teaching and learning experiences.


During literacy sessions, students have continued to immerse themselves in the Happiest Refugee by Anh Do, drawing connections between multiculturalism and society. While in numeracy sessions students investigated equivalent fractions via the use of Lego, algebra skills and continued to enhance their connection and understanding of earning, investing and spending money by relating concepts to real-life context.



Creative artworks (painting and beading) have continued to impress one and all. Enriched student conversations in the design phase, assisted and supported learning about the Tiwi Islands, which are famous for their traditional lifestyle, stunning artworks, fabrics and textiles and passion for football. These conversations provided students the opportunity to discuss National Reconciliation Week and showcase their artworks at a recent Secondary School Assembly.

Secondary Assembly
Stage 6 stimulus
Secondary Assembly
Stage 6 stimulus


Curiosity Club focus is on Design & Technology, whereby, students are mentored to crafting a concept design via a stencil image, driving nails in place on a timber board and then the very intricate work of weaving the selected wool / string onto the timber board.  

Driving nails
Driving nails


Recipes of the Week have been a huge success the past few weeks, providing students with experiences in sourcing ingredients, following instructions, and the method in making enchiladas, jam drop biscuits and bacon and spinach quiche. Marvellous teamwork, tasty results and the acknowledgment that puff pastry (pâte feuilletée) is gold.

Jam Drop Biscuits
Bacon & Spinach Quiche
Jam Drop Biscuits
Bacon & Spinach Quiche


Venturing further afield has been a wonderful opportunity for students to experience the innovative strategies such as, Wangarang's war on waste by recycling items through the Return and Earn program, Anson Street School has started this program in Semester 1.


An in-school visit by representatives from NetWaste supported our Science unit on Earth’s resources, which looked at how society uses different resources, how different products are produced by resource-based material and how to conserve our resources into the future. 


For HSIE, Stage 5 students travelled to Blayney, to develop an understanding and learn inspiring stories of local entrepreneurial migrants, who relocated to Australia and made significant contributions to society. As part of the experience, students walked through Blayney's Heritage Park, reflected on Mr. Billy Soo statue and his most engaging story. Thereafter, the group was hosted by Billy & Jill Soo's restaurant Hand Sing, whereby, everyone enjoyed spring rolls, fried rice, chips and Mongolian lamb. Thank you to Mrs. Hargraves for organising, sharing and enriching the our students learning, by highlighting the family connection.    



Hugh Rasmussen

Assistant Principal - Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 6 students engaged with many conversations, and activities to further our understanding of Reconciliation. "Reconciliation is more than a word, Reconciliation takes action". 

The school leadership team attended the Young Leaders of the Central West summit at the Greenhouse of Orange. Special thank you to Canobolas High School for organising the event. The guest speakers, Kirsty Evans and Johanna Scott were inspiring and engaging. 


Jess Hodder

Assistant Principal - Stage 6

Orange Learning Centre

Students have been incredibly focused on literacy this term. Brad and Zane are working together and supporting each other to improve their reading and writing. 

The students are enjoying joining in with some of the wonderful opportunities they receive at Anson St School. Brad is really enjoying being part of Gymnastics for Sport and Emily is enjoying spending time in Mini Woolies as well as helping out in Primary classes.

Class 21 have also created their own mini Retreat, learning about nail and hand care. Emily is providing hand massages and beautiful manicures to both students and staff in a specially designed area of the classroom. 


Students attending the Orange Suspension Centre were able to complete a Food Technology assessment task by decorating a cake. The fondant was rolled, butter-cream icing was made, coloured and piped and photos were sent to their base school for marking.

Kate Griffen

Head Teacher - Orange Learning Centre (OLC)