What's Happening

Eat up: cheese toasties!

"Eat Up at Our School: We're fortunate to have the support of Eat Up Australia, providing sandwiches to students in need. Eat Up tirelessly fundraises to make this possible. If you, your workplace, or anyone you know can contribute to Eat Up, please reach out to us at community@eatup.org.au. Eat Up is currently seeking donations of bread, cheese, fruit, and snacks.”

DOVES - Department of Student Voice in Education and Schools

The DOVES is a council created by the Minister for Education to allow for better access and understanding of student voice. The council listens to the voices and experiences of Rural South and West students to better facilitate a healthy school experience.  

DOVES is made up of 27 students representing nine directorates in NSW. A council of advocacy, their job is to voice the opinions of their peers to the Minister for Education and senior leaders at the NSW Department of Education to initiate student-led change that has the potential to address the issues that matter most to students. 


On Tuesday 11th June, Isaiah Staples (Year 7) and Felicity Moller (Year 8) participated in a DOVES forum and were asked about school and student led initiatives, what things are working/not working, how high school is different to primary school and what learning and teaching looks like each day. They spoke confidently about their experiences and offered their opinions and comments. Other participants were extremely jealous when Isaiah said that the best thing about our school is 'no homework'!


Congratulations to both students for being curious about something unknown to them and rising to the challenge, even if it was a little scary at first. Thank you to Mr Liam Low for assisting the students to compose their responses and for supporting them during the forum.


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

What is the NCCD?

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year. The NCCD is a collection that counts: * the number of school students receiving an adjustment or 'help' due to disability * the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students. Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This 'help' allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Schools provide this information to education authorities.

Why is this data collected?

All schools in Australia must collect information about students with disability. The NCCD: * ensures that the information collected is transparent, consistent and reliable * provides better information that improves understanding of students with disability * allows parents, guardians, carers, teachers, principals, education authorities and government to better support students with disability.

What information is collected?

A student is counted in the NCCD if they receive reasonable adjustments at school due to disability. Each year, schools collect the following information about the student, including: * their year of schooling * the level of adjustment received * the broad type of disability. For students who have more than one disability, the school uses professional judgement to choose one category of disability. They choose the category that most affects the student's access to education and for which adjustments are being provided. A high-level summary of the NCCD data is available to all Australian state and territory governments to improve policies and programs for students with disability.

Further information

Contact your school if you have questions about the NCCD. You can also visit the NCCD Portal. There is also a free e-learning resource about the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Disability Standards for Education 2005.

NCCD for Anson Street School students is currently being prepared ready for submission early next term.


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal