Parish News

The Frankston Winter Shelter successfully kicked off this week. Thanks for your ongoing support. There are still many volunteer positions needing to be filled, particularly a person to stay overnight on Thursday and people for the Saturday morning pack up, both at Holy Family. If you are available for any of these please let Jamie know on 0431622155.
If you are unable to help us directly, you might be able to support the program in other ways.
Baking pastries for supper or dessert is something you could do, or providing an evening meal might even be an option for some.
Perhaps a financial donation, or a prayer.
We thank all of those who have donated financially (shout out to Mini Vinnies) and those who are donating their time and offering prayers.
We are always in need sanitary pads, toilet rolls, paper towels, UHT milk, snacks, cans of soft drink, and any old books that you might have lying around.