Performing Arts

College Production - The Wizard of Oz - Production Crew Extension to Form Deadline - Now Thursday 6th June
We are waiting in anticipation for our Production Crew to be announced. There has been an extension to the form deadline - forms are now due on Thursday 6th June and there will be a meeting for all students who returned their Production Crew Forms, on Wednesday 12th June at lunchtime in the Performing Arts room.....where all will be revealed!
Production Crew Forms are available on your Compass Newsfeed or you can collect a hard copy from the Performing Arts Office.
Victorian State Schools Spectacular
Pakenham Secondary College Dance Troupe
Preparations for the Mass Dance are coming together beautifully with our fabulous dance troupe. They are working hard three times a week to create a stunning program for this year's Spectacular!
Principal Dancer - James Nimaya
Our Principal Dancer, James Nimaya, has been attending rehearsals every weekend in the city - We have had a sneak peak of James in this year's costumes, which look amazing, and we will be sharing any updates that we receive from the Victorian State Schools Spectacular team, via our social media channels.
This is the second year that James has been chosen as one of the Principal Dancers and we wish him all the best for his intensive rehearsals and performance later this year.
Jackson Newman-Watkins - VSSS Vision Team
Jackson Newman-Watkins from Year 7, who was chosen from students all over the State to be part of the Vision team, is excited to be part of the Spectacular this year.
He will be working the cameras for the live show in September. Jackson is currently waiting for the VSSS to get all of the necessary equipment from their suppliers - and then he will get more information about his role in the Spectacular!
We look forward to hearing more from Jackson throughout the next few months on his special training for such an important role.
We are immensely proud of our troupe, James and Jackson and can't wait to see them all later this year in action at the Victorian State Schools Spectacular.
Lunchtime Concerts
On Friday, 31st May, a number of our extremely talented students performed at a lunchtime concert for their peers. These exceptional pianist, vocalists and drummer put together an outstanding program and were loudly clapped by the audience for each of their performances.
We would like to thank our amazing musicians:
Dante Trott
Millie Winn
Hayley Artup
Eliza Fallon
James Nimaya
....and also a huge thanks to Mr Southam and Ms Hawking for their inspiring tuition and organisation of the concert.
We look forward to the next concert on Friday, 14th June.