Alumni News

Class Of 2023 Peer Tutors


For the past month we have been thrilled to welcome back three of our Class of 2023 students to the College to provide Peer Tutoring to our current Year 12 students.


The initiative has been a resounding success with our three tutors, Ryan Asche, Tara Cudmore and Lucy Moir, available on Wednesdays in the Balam Balam Senior Study Centre from 1:30pm until 2:15pm, then visiting English, Mathematics and Visual Arts classes during Period 5, followed by sessions after school in our Library from 3:30pm until 4:30pm.


The tutors have some excellent strategies for the upcoming exams and are here to help with many subjects. If you are in Year 12 and would like to speak to our Peer Tutors, please drop in and have a chat with them either in the Study Centre or the Library on Wednesday afternoons.


Please find below a short biography on each of our Peer Tutors.


Lucy Moir


Our 2023 alumni Lucy Moir regularly joins our current Unit 3 VCE Art Making and Exhibiting students to provide support and valuable insights. Last week Lucy provided constructive feedback in our peer critiques. This feedback assists students in evaluating and thinking about the deeper meaning of their ideas, the use of materials and techniques and how their artworks link to their selected artists. This week Lucy joined us again to continue mentoring our VCE Art students in collating and reflecting on their peer’s feedback received from the critiques.


Lucy Moir - Biography

During 2023, Lucy studied English, Sociology, Legal Studies, Psychology and Art Making and Exhibiting. 


Lucy received the following awards in her final year at Pakenham Secondary College:


VCE Overall Attitude and Effort Award

Academic Excellence in English

Academic Excellence in Legal Studies

Academic Excellence in Art Making & Exhibiting

Academic Excellence in Sociology


Lucy is currently studying a double degree in Criminology and International Relations at Monash University, as she "aspires to work in the criminal justice system in the future or one day potentially work overseas". Aside from her studies, Lucy loves to spend her time painting, reading and writing poetry. She is more than happy to help with any of the above subjects, provide study tips or answer questions you may have regarding exams or university.


Tara Cudmore


Tara Cudmore - Biography

Tara was our Student Representative Council President in 2023 and received the Student Leadership Award for her outstanding contribution to the College. 


Tara's subjects in her final year were English, General Mathematics, Sociology, Business Management and Australian History.


Tara is currently studying to be a secondary school teacher at Monash University. She loves to play bass guitar, play with her two bearded dragons and read! 


Tara is more than happy to help with any of the subjects she studied in 2023, or to answer any questions students may have about Year 12 or university in general.


Ryan Asche


Ryan Asche - Biography

Ryan was our VCE Dux for 2023. He also received the Academic Excellence Awards for both General Mathematics and Physics.


Ryan studied English, Physics, General Mathematics and Mathematical Methods in Year 12 and is currently studying Science at the University of Melbourne. Ryan is happy to assist with any of the subjects he completed during Year 12, particularly Mathematics. 


Ryan or any of the tutors can also answer questions relating to exam preparation including the General Achievement Test (GAT), study techniques that worked for them, any other year 12 or starting out at university questions or similar. 

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