Principals' Message

Mrs Dominica Bearman

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 6 which marks the halfway point of Term 2! It's been an incredibly productive term to date and the next five weeks are looking just as busy. Please see in the General Section of the newsletter for important information in regards to the NCCD. As we enter the Winter months we urge children to make sure they are dressing in their full Winter uniform.


Catholic Schools Week Mass

Last week Mrs McDouall, myself and the school leaders attended the Catholic Schools Week mass in Tamworth. It was a special occasion to come together in prayer with other schools from our diocese and reflect on the theme for the year " Pray with Hope".

Catholic schools Week is a time to celebrate and reflect on the value and contributions of Catholic education. It is an opportunity to reflect upon our positive impact as educators on the lives of the young people in our care.


Please note the new procedure regarding absences for all schools in the Armidale Diocese: 


From the 20th May, parents of students who have not explained their absence for the day will receive an automated text message and an email at 10:00am from the administration staff at school. The message is consistent across the diocese.


From Friday, 24th May, parents of students with unexplained absences who have not explained their absence for the week will receive an email at 11:00am from the Principals. The message is consistent across the diocese. 


Please see the table below for the the impact non- attendance has over 6 years of education!


June Long Weekend

Just a friendly reminder that this weekend is a long weekend. Children do not come to school on Monday 10th June. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable time with family and friends.