Human Society and its Environment

Upcoming Assessment Due Dates: 

  • Year 9 – Half-Yearly History Examination – All classes - Week 4 Wednesday 22/05/24 Period 1 
  • Year 10 – Half-Yearly History Examination – Week 5 
  • Year 10 Commerce – Due Week 8 
  • Year 11 Business Studies – Due Week 8 
  • HSC Trial Examinations are Week 9 and 10 


HSIE Highlights: 

Year 7:  

Year 7 are learning all about Ancient Egypt at the moment in History. Some classes recently made Papyrus! They were then able to write their names in hieroglyphs - here is 7G in action: 


Likewise, 7M have been making their own Ancient Egyptian ‘cartouche’ bookmarks, where they have written their names in hieroglyphs.  


Year 8: 

Year 8 had the opportunity to utilise their mindcraft skills to build Japanese Castles from the Shogunate Era. Students demonstrated their understanding of the shape and structure of Japanese castles. 


Year 9: 

Year 9 have been learning all about trench warfare in WWI, including the nature and impact of life in trenches. Some classes have tried “trench food” to further understand the perspective of soldiers in the trenches. Foods include ‘Hard tack ‘(Saos) - Bullied Beef (not exactly a hit!) and preserved fruits! (dried fruit and jams) 


Year 10: 

10HSIEL1 engaged in a group work task to learn about history of rights and freedoms of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia.  


Year 11 Business Studies: 

This week in Business Studies, Students showed their understanding of the transformation process as part of business operations. They made tiny teddy cars out of sugary snacks and were able to assess quality control.  

Last week Year 11 put their understanding of paper planes and assembly lines to the test: 

Year 12 Geography: 

Year 12 Geography attended an excursion to Barangaroo to study the Urban Dynamics at play within this area of Sydney. They observed some of the decay and renewal that has occurred and were able to put into practice some key geography skills and tools. The students had a great day, despite the times of rain, and were able to see some of the processes being spoken about in class.  

General notices and reminders: 

With Year 10-12 assessment tasks underway– please ensure you read the assessment procedures for illness/misadventure if you are unable to be at school for an assessment task. Please speak to your teacher and Deputy Principal if this applies to you. 


Remember your planner for every day at school – use your planner to write in Assessment Task due dates, and even draft due dates. Being organised is made easier with your planner. 


For all HSIE senior subjects – please make sure you are regularly checking CANVAS for announcements and ensure that you are uploading and submitting all expected course work. 

History Club! 

Week 3 saw the first History club of 2024! Students engaged in historical conversations, eager to learn more about their interests in History. Students put forward topics to be covered over the next few sessions. A reminder that History Club is on every Wednesday Week A at recess time in H112 with Mrs Fascioli. 

HSC Preparation Study Session: 

Year 12 Modern History – Every Wednesday morning from 8-8:40 am in H112 with Mrs Fascioli