P&C News

On Tuesday night 21st May 2024 we held our Week 4 PandC meeting.

We welcomed some new faces as well as our regulars and it was a good meeting.


The night kicked off with a presentation by Mr Moore (HT CAPA) who gave us an insightful look into all things CAPA. He showed us student work, including amazing music made by the students, art work which was on display in the library and a run-down of work which is happening around the faculty.


The big item that he alerted us to was what is coming up for the CAPA faculty and these are listed here. 


Wednesday 12th June - Ensemble + Solo Night. Doors 5:45pm

Wednesday 19th June - Theatresports. Doors 5:45pm


If everyone could make an effort to come along and see these great events, then we are helping the students not only by watching the great things they do, but also by helping them to overcome some nerves about performing in front of crowds so that they can further their skills.


We also had an update on an item that was raised earlier in the year and that was about the traffic “chaos” that happens around the school at pick up time. Part of the discussion was about asking Council for a pedestrian crossing out the front of the school for students to cross safely. This was taken to Sally Quinnell towards the end of last term whereby it was discussed. To be able to pursue this, it was suggested that a survey be undertaken of parents, so watch out for your emails as one will be coming your way soon.


The phasing of the lights at pick up time was also discussed at the meeting with Sally. It seems that this may have helped, as the PandC as well as Sally contacted “Roads Team” to make the phasing of the lights longer from Cawdor Rd to help alleviate congestion. Fingers crossed that is stays this way. 


Cowra-Camden exchange was talked about – please see these details in this newsletter. 


Please feel free to contact us if there is anything that you would like us to raise with the school, or just want to learn about the PandC. 


For our next meeting, we will be having Ms Bui (relieving HT Secondary Studies) present  “How to Use CANVAS” – the online learning platform that the school uses.


  • The P&C meet weeks 4 and 9 each term in the Library at 6.30pm. 
 Dates for upcoming meetings are as follows:
Term 2:Tuesday 25th June 2024 – 6:30pm
Term 3:

Tuesday 13th August 2024 – 6:30pm

Tuesday 17th September 2024 – 6:30pm

Term 4:

Tuesday 5th November 2024 – 6:30pm

Tuesday 10th December 2024 – 6:30pm