Science and Agriculture

STEM visit from Cleanaway

At the beginning of Term 2, Year 8 Science Classes 8G and 8M participated in a STEM activity hosted by Cleanaway. This Term Year 8 are studying Earth’s Resources and to accompany this a representative from Cleanaway came out to Camden High School to deliver a lesson on Managing Non-Renewable Resources. 

Each day we use and discard valuable materials via recycling, reuse of landfill choices. This module used a scientific lens to examine the extraction, production and sorting of the materials we make from out Earth’s Resources. Students redesigned a mobile phone focusing on renewable and non-renewable materials, their uses and the production process form design to disposal. Students investigated how a circular production model can conserve out materials and reduce social, economic and environmental problems. 



Year 9 responds to stimuli.

The Year 9 Science students at our school are having exciting hands-on science lessons where they use microscopes to observe nerve cells up close. This engaging activity last week was part of their study on how the body responds to stimuli. As they peered through the lenses, students marvelled at the intricate structures of the nerve cells, deepening their understanding of the nervous system. The lesson also covered the five senses and the brain's role in processing information, providing a comprehensive look at how our bodies interact with the world around us. The experience not only enhanced their scientific knowledge but also sparked curiosity and excitement about the wonders of human biology.                  


Year 9 engaged into geological wonders!

Year 9 students in Term One were busy captivating realms of Earth and Space in their science studies. Our exploration has taken us through various geological wonders, from majestic mountain ranges to mysterious deep-sea trenches and awe-inspiring volcanoes.


In a quest to make our volcano lessons even more engaging, we embarked on a creative endeavour to craft our very own dome and stratovolcanoes. Infusing a touch of excitement and realism into our learning journey, we did not shy away from adding smoke and flame for an extra dash of flair!



The Rocky Cookies

Year 7 have been exploring the Rock Cycle. They were tasked with creating two different edible models and comparing the benefits and limitations of each. The models demonstrated the factors causing changes to rocks at various points of the rock cycle.




The Cookie miners

Year 8 have been exploring the impacts of natural resources on the environment and society. They used cookies to model the process of mining for a natural resource. The aim was not only to extract the highest weight of chocolate chips but they also had to extract the resources as cleanly as possible and cause the least amount of damage to the cookie to reduce the environmental impacts.

Homer-o-stasis challenge

Year 9 have been exploring the delicate balance present in the human body. This state of balance in living things is called Homeostasis. Year 9 were tasked with using their new-found knowledge to conduct the 'Homer-o-stasis' challenge. They needed to keep Homer alive by maintaining his water level, temperature and colour at a consistent baseline or risk being eliminated.