Personal Development, Health & Physical Education

The term has started super-fast in PDHPE. Firstly, I would like to welcome Ms. Geik and Ms Tran to PDHPE for Term 2. We have also welcomed back the familiar face of Ms. Turland.  


Senior PDHPE 

Students in Year 12 are working on 'Core 1- Health Priorities in Australia' and are busy getting ready for their second last assessment task before preparing for the HSC and Trial Examinations. 


Students in Year 11 are working on 'The Body in Motion' and preparing for their in-class lab assessment in Week 7. 


Senior SLR

Year 12 students have been spending extra time in the fitness lab working on their understanding of resistance training leading into their assessment in Week 7.  


Year 11 students are learning and developing skills around coaching a sporting session. They will display what they have learnt later in the term by running small sided coaching sessions. This is a great way to develop leadership capabilities.  


Junior PDHPE

Year 10 have moved into net court games and are developing their skills in a range of sports, such as Netball, Basketball and volleyball.  


Years 7-9 are working in the athletics space and spending time developing skills in a range of disciplines before the school athletics carnival that takes place in Week 7.  


In theory lessons, students have shown high interest and desire to learn across a range of health dimensions. It’s been a pleasure to walk past so many lessons where students have shown a real interest in content.  


Camden Cowra Exchange

The Camden vs Cowra exchange is happening in Week 6. This is a huge event that is in its 53rd edition. There are not many other schools with such a history and strong tradition. 


Please read the attached letter that outlines the program. 


Program of Events:

Be a Host!

We are chasing families to host billets. The event is only possible if we can host the Cowra students. If you are interested please feel free to reach out or fill in the attached form.