Parents & Friends Association News

Scoresby Primary School's Parents and Friends Association (PFA) plays an important part at Scoresby Primary School, organising events, raffles and fundraising that our children and families can take part in throughout the year, the profits from which all go towards our school, facilities and education. Last year, the funds we raised paid for our new climbing play equipment.
But it’s not all about fundraising. It is also about building a sense of school community between parents, children and educators, as well as providing the children with some well-deserved social events, activities and fun times. Last term alone we raised $1,906.
We look to our parents to help co-ordinate events and activities, liaise with the school and attend one - sometimes 2 - meetings after hours per term. Our current PFA mainly consists of parents from the senior classes, and we are currently seeking new parents from the junior classes to join and support our school.
We have many events still to come this year, with our biggest event being our school market in October.
Our next PFA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th June at 7.00pm. Previously this has been advertised as being held at The Dizzy Rooster, however we have changed the venue to the SPS Staffroom. We hope to see as many new (and old) parents as possible on the night.
Cadbury Chocolate Box Drive
In 2024, the PFA is holding a Cadbury fundraiser as one of our main fundraising activities. Money raised by this - and other PFA events and activities - is going towards new playground equipment for the school.
On Friday 31st May, the eldest child from each familiy will receive a box of Cadbury Freddos to sell.
If you have elected to take a box of chocolates to sell, all money and/or unsold chocolates must be returned to school by Friday 14th June.
Thank you for your support!