Student of the Week Awards

Presented 17/5/24

Harry M. - 00M

This award goes to Harry for showing excellence and effort consistently across his school tasks. Harry listens to instructions and I was particularly impressed with his Information Report on Owls. Well done Harry and keep up all the great work you are doing!

William M. - 1/2F

This award goes to William for demonstrating the HEART value of Excellence.It is clear that you take pride in your work and consistently try your best in everything you do. Well done for asking questions when you are unsure and looking for ways to improve. This is a wonderful attitude to have towards your learning. Keep it up!

Saneth H. - 1/2K

This award goes to Saneth for showing the HEART value of Excellence in Maths this week. He displayed an impressive attitude towards his learning and was keen to learn the next set of skills. Saneth, keep up your wonderful enthusiasm and willingness to be challenged. Well done.

Aria K. - 3/4F

This award goes to Aria for displaying the HEART value of Excellence. In writing this week, she published her information report on turtles using subheadings, visual elements and even included a glossary. She put great thought and care into how she presented her work. Keep up the great work, Aria!

Taopiu A. - 3/4H

This award goes to Taoipu for showing the HEART value of Excellence.  He is to be recognised for his amazing focus and determination during all classes especially in Mathematics with his Essential Assessment Testing.  Taoipu is always aiming to achieve his very best and has an outstanding attitude in the classroom! Well done, Taoipu!

Savannah C. - 3/4S

This award goes to Savannah for the amazing knowledge she confidently shared with our class during Integrated Studies. Savannah explained what algae is and she was able to identify which animals were consumers and which were producers. Well done, Savannah.

Adalyn S. - 5/6S

This award is presented to Adalyn for demonstrating the HEART value of excellence during our PONT Maths lessons on time. She actively participated in discussions which has enabled her to effectively advance through each lesson and progressively enhance her skill set in telling time to the minute and converting between units of time. Amazing work Adalyn!

Lilly B. - 5/6W

The award goes to Lilly for the outstanding effort that she put into her review of her book titled ‘Warriors into the Wild’. She included a well thought-out summary, the best and worst moments, as well as her favourite quotes. She then effectively verbalised the  connections she made between the clever word choice on the cover of the book and the main character. Wonderful effort Lilly!

Emily W. - Performing Arts

Congratulations Emily for learning the chords for the Cup Song. You can change between the chords A minor, F, G and C with fluency and accuracy. Well done.  

Hayley R. - Mandarin

This award goes to Hayley for showing her enthusiasm in Mandarin class. Your consistent, positive, and hard-working attitude in Mandarin class is commendable. I appreciate how you always use the Mandarin knowledge you’ve learned to talk to me. Well done, Hayley. Keep it up!

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