News from Three/Four

Have you heard of Kensuke's Kingdom?
Kensuke's Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo, is our 3/4 class novel this term. Michael is a young boy who, while sailing around the world with his parents, falls overboard with his faithful dog Stella. He finds himself on an island, inhabited by an elderly man, Kensuke. Although Kensuke is assisting Michael to stay alive by providing him with food and water (and most recently a sheet to keep off the mosquitos at night), Kensuke is also sabotaging Michael's attempts to get the attention of passing boats. The students are engaging well with the story so far, and we are using this as a stimulus for focus areas this term, such as sentence types (statements, commands, questions and exclamations), writing complex sentences and developing persuasive texts.
Here are some examples of student's sentence work.
The last two weeks, students have been exploring fractions. We have done lots of fantastic work in this area. Check it out below:
Lisa Bourke (
3/4 Teacher